Although these phenomena are not usually linked, high levels of stress can affect blood sugar levels and be the cause of this imbalance.
Elevated blood sugar has become commonplace in recent decades as the consumption of this product, sugar, has increased significantly.
The food industry offers us many sugary products every day, such as sodas, sweets, chocolates, and baked goods.
Even foods that seem completely harmless still contain sugar. This applies to salted crackers, pasta, or convenience foods.
The deterioration of the quality of nutrition affects the health of many people and is one of the main causes of diseases such as:
- Obesity
- Glucose intolerance
- Type 2 diabetes
- Overweight
Do you have high blood sugar? Read on!
Elevated Blood Sugar Levels
Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, occurs when blood glucose levels are higher than normal. This occurs when the body does not have enough insulin for some reason.
The first step is to check your blood glucose levels with a glucometer. If your level is above 180 mg/dL, you should contact your doctor immediately as this condition can cause serious health problems.
Ways To Control Blood Sugar Levels
Here are some tips to control blood sugar levels and reduce them:
Get Rid Of Alcohol
Experts believe that frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages can minimize the effectiveness of insulin over time. As a result, blood sugar level increases.
Thus, it is important to give up alcohol consumption; otherwise, the risk of developing diabetes or glucose intolerance increases.
A slight change in your behavior of quitting alcoholism can have long-lasting effects on your overall health.
Behavioral Health also explains that your behavior and choice impact your well-being.
So, if you are also suffering from behavioral health issues or behavioral health disorders (substance abuse), change your habits.
Keep in mind that your right choices can cure or even prevent the signs of behavioral health disorders.
In this way, you will be able to improve your health and enjoy your life.
Reduce Sugar Intake
If you have high blood sugar, try to reduce your daily sugar intake. Choose foods with a low glycemic index, but they should also be eaten in limited quantities.
Also, it is important to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Your diet should be healthy, varied, and balanced, try to eat less high-fat foods.
Include proteins and healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains in your diet.
Add Flax Seeds To Your Diet
You can consume them raw, or ground, as a tincture or linseed oil. In any form, they provide health benefits, such as:
- Reduce the risk of heart disease
- Prevention against cancer
- Reduce bad cholesterol
Eating 10-20 grams of ground flax seeds over a long period of time lowers blood sugar levels by 20%.
Daily Exercise
Physical activity helps to regulate blood glucose levels, as the muscles use glucose as an energy source for movement and, consequently, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases.
You should measure your blood sugar regularly to determine what physical activity is best for you and to avoid a sudden drop in blood sugar, which is also dangerous.
Drink Enough Water
Drinking at least 2 liters of water daily thins the blood, lowers sugar levels, and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
It is very important to get enough water for the proper functioning of the kidneys, which helps to eliminate high blood sugar through the urine.
Plain water and low-calorie drinks are most recommended for this. Avoid sweetened drinks because they promote weight gain and increase blood glucose levels.
Keep Stress Under Control
Stress can raise blood sugar levels, whether it be physical or mental fatigue, anxiety, problems at work, etc.
Relaxation and meditation reduce stress and lower blood sugar levels, in addition, they are equally beneficial for the body and mental balance.
You can practice the following exercises and relaxation techniques:
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Mindfulness
They are all equally suitable for controlling sugar levels and also improving overall health.
Get Good Sleep
Rest is essential to maintaining good health. Poor sleep affects blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. Thus, because you do not get enough sleep, your appetite and, accordingly, weight can increase.
Therefore, it is important to sleep properly according to your body’s needs and not overstrain yourself as it will only increase the level of stress.
Waking up dizzy and fatigued will become a usual routine if you don’t get enough rest.
Add Cinnamon As A Dietary Supplement To Your Diet
Cinnamon has many health benefits and can be consumed in powder or stick form. Some studies claim that cinnamon can help lower blood sugar levels by up to 29%.
This spice works in the same way as insulin, but much more slowly. Moreover, there are also other health benefits of adding this useful spice to your diet.
To get the maximum benefits, make sure to eat cinnamon more often.
General Recommendations
If you have high blood sugar, here are some more recommendations for you that will aid in controlling your blood sugar level.
- Check with your healthcare provider before making changes to your lifestyle or diet
- There are many natural supplements for lowering blood sugar that have no contraindications
- Remember to maintain a healthy weight and eat a balanced diet
- Check your blood sugar periodically
- You should periodically take a blood test to find out the level of glucose, then the doctor can give you more accurate recommendations.
Take Away
We mentioned some effective ways that will help to control or lower blood sugar levels. You need to adopt these tips to lower its level in the body.
If you are in doubt, you can consult a nutritionist to help you choose the right diet for you.
Proper diet and healthy habits are essential to prevent disease and maintain good health. However, do not neglect the symptoms of high blood sugar and take necessary measures for good health.

Sandra is a health blogger based in San Diego, California. She is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. She loves being outdoors and exploring new places with her husband. She is a mom of two awesome kids and a dog named Luna!