Parkinson’s Disease And Mental Health

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the control of movement.

It is caused by the gradual loss of nerve cells in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra, which produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting signals between different parts of the brain and body.

As these cells are lost, people with Parkinson’s disease experience tremors, stiffness (rigidity), slowness of movement (bradykinesia,) and difficulty with balance (postural instability).

These symptoms can vary greatly from person to person and may also change over time as the condition progresses. 

It usually occurs in seniors over the age of 60, though it can affect people at any age.  And around 1 million Americans are estimated to live with Parkinson’s disease.

Mental Health and Parkinson’s Disease

Stages of Progression of Parkinson’s Disease

Stages of Progression of Parkinson's Disease

The progression of Parkinson’s Disease can be divided into four stages, with each stage featuring increasingly severe levels of motor and non-motor symptoms.

  1. Stage One is the earliest and least severe stage, and usually starts with mild muscle stiffness, slowness in movement, slight tremors or trembling, and difficulty with balance.
  2.  In stage Two, the individual may begin to experience more noticeable tremors, rigidity (stiffness), and a decrease in facial expression due to muscle rigidity. They may also experience more trouble walking and performing other daily activities.
  3. Stage Three, the person may have very distinct symptoms such as increased rigidity, decreased mobility, impaired posture control (which affects balance), reduced speed of movement, muscle cramps, stooped posture (called “camptocormia”), and difficulty swallowing or speaking.
  4. Stage Four is the most severe stage marked by an even greater decrease in mobility and independence.
  5. In this stage, individuals may exhibit freezing episodes where their movements become temporarily immobilized or they are unable to move until after several seconds or minutes pass. This can lead to falls or other accidents if they are not supervised properly.
  6. Additionally, people with advanced Parkinson’s disease may experience significant dementia or cognitive decline making it difficult for them to complete day-to-day tasks without assistance from family members or caregivers.

Ways in which Parkinson’s Disease affects Mental Health

Parkinson’s Disease can have a significant impact on mental health. People living with this condition often experience feelings of depression and anxiety, which can be fueled by the fear of losing control over movement or being unable to do everyday activities.

This can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and hopelessness. Mood swings are also common in Parkinson’s patients, as their symptoms may fluctuate in intensity rapidly.

Fatigue is another common symptom that affects the quality of life and can interfere with work or social activities.

Cognitive difficulties such as difficulty concentrating and remembering things can also occur in people with Parkinson’s Disease.

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, people living with Parkinson’s Disease are at higher risk for developing dementia, especially if they have been living with the condition for a long time.

Dementia refers to a decline in cognitive abilities that interferes with daily functioning, and it is more common in people over age 65 who have had Parkinson’s for many years.

Other mental health issues that may accompany Parkinson’s include psychosis (hallucinations or delusions), paranoia, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and problems sleeping (insomnia).

How to provide care to someone with Parkinson’s Disease

How to provide care to someone with Parkinson's Disease

Family members and caregivers need to be aware of these potential mental health issues so they can help provide support and resources to an individual suffering from them.

Establishing a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise, proper nutrition, good sleep hygiene habits, adequate stress management techniques, social interaction, and engaging in meaningful activities will all contribute towards better mental health outcomes among those living with Parkinson’s disease.

Additionally, seeking professional help from a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist may help alleviate many of the emotional symptoms associated with this condition.

It is also important to keep yourself healthy when caring for someone with Parkinson’s Disease. Make sure to take regular breaks and practice self-care so that you can give your loved one the best care possible.

Researching good health and well-being tips for seniors can help you stay informed on how to care for a loved one with Parkinson’s Disease properly.


Taking care of someone with Parkinson’s Disease can be a difficult and stressful task.

It is important to remember that the person suffering from this condition may experience additional mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, cognitive difficulties, or even dementia.

As family members and caregivers, it is our responsibility to ensure they receive adequate support and resources to help them manage their symptoms.

This includes establishing healthy lifestyle habits like regular exercise and proper nutrition while also providing emotional support through meaningful activities and social interaction.

Additionally, seeking professional help from qualified healthcare practitioners should not be overlooked when caring for someone with Parkinson’s disease.

With the right approach, we can make sure those living with this condition have access to all the tools necessary for managing both physical and mental well-being.