Does a Fitness Tracker Work in Your Pocket

Are you somebody whose job or profession doesn’t allow fitness trackers or any type of arm wear? Or you don’t like tying something on your wrist.

Maybe you recently bought a fitness tracker and you want to go with it to work or a journey. Do you wonder if you can put it in your pocket? Will it give you desired results?

In our discussion, we have a well-researched answer on whether the tracker will work in your pocket or not. We shall also tell you the setbacks of placing it in your pocket and how to solve it.

Stay tuned to know the quality pocket-designed fitness trackers in the markets. And why some consider wearing them in the pocket. 

Does a Fitness Tracker Work in Your Pocket?

Yes, it works in your pocket. Just like wearing it around your wrist or arm as a HealthWatch. However, its reliability, accuracy, and functionality are reduced. Features like measuring heart rate won’t be available because, in your pocket, it won’t sense pulse. 

Fitness trackers are a new technology. Most people have not yet had a test of these features. Many people are not sure if this technology works in certain situations like being placed in a pocket. 

What Is A Fitness Tracker? 

In a technologically evolving world, and a generation that is possessed with staying healthy, fitness trackers have become common instruments. It is common to spot people wearing sort of watch-like devices to help them track and maintain fitness.

A fitness tracker is also referred to as an activity tracker. It is a smart device specially crafted to monitor metrics related to fitness and health concerns. The metrics include;

Distance covered by walking, jogging, running, or cycling.

  • Calories burned.
  • The heart rates.
  •  BPM.

Mostly the wireless syncing to a smartphone or computer helps to track data for long-term analysis.

They come in the form of bands and smartwatches worn at the lower or the upper arm. However, research shows most have reported upper armbands to be uncomfortable. Many prefer smartwatches like fitness trackers.

With modern technology, they utilize a 3-axis accelerometer technology for effectiveness. Measuring the above parameters needs highly accurate and well-structured technology.

Even though they work in pockets there is a concrete reason as to why most fitness trackers are structured to be worn around arms. 

Why some people prefer fitness trackers in their pockets.

There are different reasons and situations that can make you choose to have your fitness tracker on your pocket. They include;

Nature of job

Some jobs are engaging more so those working in heavy-duty companies. The company can decide on wearing any devices in the arm during working hours as a safety measure. Moreover, it can be due to a demanding job. Some can say “dirty job” that involves wearing the long arm gloves which may necessitate removing your fitness tracker. 

Free will 

Freedom of choice. Yes. This can’t be ruled out. Some people don’t like wearing things around their wrists. It is their style. Once such people acquire fitness trackers they will want to place them in their pockets. 

Why are fitness trackers not fully accurate in your pocket? 

We did say that although the fitness tracker can work in your pocket, it is not 100% accurate. Fitness trackers are designed to get the best results if used correctly.

The 3-axis accelerometer sensor fitted in them is sensitive to pulse and movement. First while in your pockets, the fitness tracker can’t sense pulse. Therefore, with your device in your pocket, you will not get an accurate reflection of the two parameters.

Research shows that most fitness trackers track hand movement and record it as steps made. This also shows why putting it in a pocket makes it docile in recording movement. even if it records it could pose some errors in the final result.

The correct place to place a step counter fitness tracker is on your foot or the ankle or the beltline. On your arms as said earlier it will count hand movement as steps. You can fool it by moving your arms while standing and it will record them as steps. However, the most inaccurate place you can place your tracker for step counting is in your pocket.

Are there fitness trackers specifically designed to be placed in pockets?

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A lot of fitness trackers are in the market. There are three main types. They include:

  • Basic fitness trackers
  • Trackers that monitor heart rate
  • Heart rate tracking devices with GPS

Some well-performing brands include; Garmin Vivo smart 3. A stylish and highly rated fitness tracker. Fitbit charger 3, Apple Watch 4, and Reemo health smartwatch.

However, there are pocket-sized fitness trackers that are designed to attach to clothes and they give good results. Inside a pocket is cloth all around. Fitbit one fitness tracker and Fitbit zip containing a swift technology that makes them attach to clothes for results. They are pocket-sized hence ensure portability.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Below are the answers of the frequently asked questions. They are helpful in case you are having trouble somewhere

  1. Do fitness trackers work best when worn on a wrist?

The most encouraging place to wear your tracker is on your wrist. Trackers work best when they are in contact with your skin. Moreover, the wrist will help it monitor pulse and heart rate hence measuring BPM. Wearing it on the upper arm could cause discomfort. Putting it in your pocket also causes inaccuracy. 

  1. Can I wear or put my tracker somewhere else other than my wrist?

Absolutely yes. Depending on the type. A step counter should be worn on foot or ankle. Some trackers are worn around the waistline. Above all, as discussed the pocket is also a place you can place your tracker.


Getting a fitness tracker is the best way to track and record your health goals. Having known how you can place your tracker in your pocket, can solve the numerous questions of how you will go to your job or journey.

Your health should always be your priority hence there is a need that you always track your fitness regularly. Your pocket is good enough if you fear publicity.

Fortunately, we have seen there are pocket-sized fitness trackers out there. Grab one and get the deal done.