CBD, short for cannabidiol, is the most popular non-psychoactive compound produced by cannabis, resulting in a cocktail of health benefits. Cannabidiol is mostly renowned for its excellent analgesic and anxiolytic properties, making it a perfect remedy for pain and anxiety, respectively.
Besides CBD oil for pain and anxiety, you can treat or manage tons of other medical conditions using the substance. Examples include insomnia, inflammatory conditions like inflammatory bowel syndrome, and skin infections like acne, to mention but a few.
So, if you’re yet to integrate CBD into your health and wellness program, you’ve certainly been missing out on a lot. But before you do, there’s a lot of background information to familiarize yourself with.
For instance, you’d want to understand the compound’s therapeutic properties, possible side effects, legality, etc. In this post, we shall narrow down our focus to the effects of CBD by highlighting how CBD makes you feel.
What Does CBD Feel Like?
We began by defining cannabidiol as ‘a non-psychoactive cannabis compound.’ From this definition alone, it’s evident that CBD doesn’t trigger any mind-altering effects. The cannabis plant gets most of its psychoactive properties from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
So, if you’re wondering how CBD feels like, it’s important to note that you won’t experience any euphoria from dosing on the substance. The nearest cannabidiol can come to affect your state of mind is elevating your moods.
But since CBD doesn’t contain psychoactive abilities, how then do you judge its effects?
Well, the best way to judge the effects of CBD is if the substance successfully treats the illness you’re taking it for.
Another way you can judge the effects of CBD is if the compound triggers any side effects. While cannabidiol is generally safe, some users report drowsiness, dry mouth, and fatigue. However, note that these side effects could be indicative of an overdose. Therefore, they’re not a standard way of gauging the effects of CBD.
Does CBD Oil Make You High?
No, CBD oil will not make you high. As we already pointed out, most of marijuana’s psychedelic properties come from THC.
CBD won’t make you high because, unlike THC, CBD doesn’t bind directly to the receptors in your brain directly. Instead, the substance interacts with receptors located furthest from your brain and central nervous system, also known as CB2 receptors.
How Long Does It Take To Feel The Effects Of CBD Oil?
The time it takes to experience CBD oil’s effects, also known as the onset time, varies depending on the delivery method.
Now, there are six essential ways to consume CBD oil, including;
- Vaping CBD-infused vape juices
- Smoking dried cannabis extracts
- Administering CBD oil tinctures sublingually
- Swallowing CBD pills and tablets
- Consuming CBD edible products like gummies
- Topical application of CBD-enriched cosmetic products
The first three delivery methods come with a faster onset time, usually within 5 to 30 minutes of consuming the substance. That’s because each of these methods delivers cannabidiol straight to your system. Unfortunately, the effects of vaping CBD e-juices, smoking cannabis extracts, or administering CBD oil tinctures orally tend to wear off faster.
On the flip side, CBD edibles Canada’ effects can take between 45 minutes and 3 hours to kick in. This longer onset time is because CBD edibles must first be broken down in your digestive system before they can be absorbed into your bloodstream. However, once CBD edibles kick in, their effects can last for hours.
Besides delivery method, the following are other factors that might affect CBD’s onset time;
- Age and body size
Younger people and users with smaller bodies tend to experience the effects of CBD sooner than adults and users with a larger body mass.
- Tolerance and sensitivity to CBD
The more tolerant you are to cannabidiol, the longer it will take to feel its effects. However, users who are highly sensitive to CBD require smaller doses to experience its effects.
- Dosage
Theoretically, higher CBD doses should deliver faster results. But as you shall find, CBD is generally counterproductive at very high doses.
- The severity of a medical condition
CBD exerts its therapeutic effects sooner when used against milder diseases. A longer onset time is observed when the substance is administered for severe medical conditions.
Can CBD Make You Sleepy?
Cannabidiol is a renowned sedative. Numerous studies suggest that CBD might improve sleep quality by shortening sleep latency while improving sleep duration.Â
Another way cannabidiol can make you sleepy is through its anti-anxiety properties. CBD has the power to calm down the nerves as well as rid your mind of racing thoughts and intrusive memories. That explains its potential for the treatment of common insomnia triggers like post-traumatic stress disorder.
What Is the Correct Dosage for CBD Oil?
Cannabidiol has no ideal dose. Instead, each user has their own effective dose, also known as their ‘sweet spot.’
To establish your sweet spot, you’ll need to start low, preferably with 2 mg of CBD twice a day. Try to understand how CBD feels and interacts with your system.
If you don’t observe any adverse reactions, you can then increase your doses gradually in small increments.
If you’re trying to integrate cannabidiol into your lifestyle but are concerned about CBD oil feeling, it’s important to note that CBD won’t get you high.
Contribute By CBD Fx
I am Kate, a dedicated health advocate. My purpose is to educate you regarding the most current wellness trends, offer science-backed insights to enhance your understanding, and present actionable tips to support you on your journey towards a healthier and happier life. Let us commence this wellness path together!