List Of Super Fruits

Have you ever heard of supertasters? These are individuals who have a heightened sense of taste and experience flavors more intensely than the average person. They are more sensitive to bitter tastes, which can make certain foods unappealing to them.

If you’re a supertaster or know someone who is, you may be wondering what types of foods these individuals tend to enjoy. In this article, we will explore a list of foods that supertasters typically like.

Ranking The Healthiest Fruits (Which Are Super-Fruits?)


Supertasters often enjoy the natural sweetness and vibrant flavors of fruits. They are likely to appreciate the tartness of citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruits, as well as the juiciness of berries and the refreshing taste of melons.


Supertasters tend to have a higher sensitivity to spicy foods. While they may find extremely hot peppers overwhelming, they often enjoy the milder heat and complex flavors of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.

Fresh Herbs

The intense and distinctive flavors of fresh herbs are often appealing to supertasters. They may appreciate the boldness of basil, the earthiness of rosemary, and the freshness of mint. Adding these herbs to dishes can enhance the overall flavor profile for supertasters.

Dark Chocolate

Many supertasters have a preference for dark chocolate due to its rich and complex taste. The bitterness of dark chocolate can be more noticeable to supertasters, but they may also appreciate the underlying sweetness and the depth of flavor.


Supertasters often enjoy a variety of cheeses, especially those with strong and pungent flavors. Blue cheese, aged cheddar, and goat cheese are just a few examples that can excite the taste buds of a supertaster.


While some supertasters may find the bitterness of coffee off-putting, others appreciate the nuanced flavors that coffee can offer. They may enjoy exploring different types of coffee beans and brewing methods to discover their preferred taste.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, and hibiscus, are often enjoyed by supertasters. These teas provide unique flavors that can be soothing and comforting for those with heightened taste sensitivity.

Sour Foods

Supertasters tend to have a strong reaction to sour tastes, but many find them enjoyable. Sour candies, pickles, vinegar-based dressings, and fermented foods like sauerkraut can all be appealing options.

Citrus-Based Dishes

The tanginess of citrus fruits can be particularly appealing to supertasters. Dishes that incorporate citrus flavors, such as lemon chicken, orange-glazed salmon, or lime-infused desserts, are likely to be well-received by supertasters.

High-Quality Meats

Supertasters often appreciate the rich and savory flavors of high-quality meats. They may have a heightened awareness of the nuances in taste and texture, making a perfectly cooked steak or a tender piece of roasted chicken a delight for their palates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are supertasters?

Supertasters are individuals who have a heightened sense of taste and experience flavors more intensely than the average person. They are more sensitive to bitter tastes and may find certain foods unappealing.

Do supertasters have a preference for spicy foods?

Supertasters tend to have a higher sensitivity to spicy foods. While they may find extremely hot peppers overwhelming, they often enjoy the milder heat and complex flavors of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.

What types of fruits do supertasters enjoy?

Supertasters often enjoy the natural sweetness and vibrant flavors of fruits. They are likely to appreciate the tartness of citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruits, as well as the juiciness of berries and the refreshing taste of melons.

Can supertasters enjoy coffee?

While some supertasters may find the bitterness of coffee off-putting, others appreciate the nuanced flavors that coffee can offer. They may enjoy exploring different types of coffee beans and brewing methods to discover their preferred taste.

Are there any specific cheeses supertasters enjoy?

Supertasters often enjoy a variety of cheeses, especially those with strong and pungent flavors. Blue cheese, aged cheddar, and goat cheese are just a few examples that can excite the taste buds of a supertaster.

In conclusion, supertasters have a unique appreciation for flavors and are likely to enjoy certain types of foods more than others.

Fruits, spices, fresh herbs, dark chocolate, cheeses, coffee, herbal teas, sour foods, citrus-based dishes, and high-quality meats are all examples of foods that supertasters typically like.

Keep in mind that individual preferences may vary, and it’s essential to embrace and celebrate the diversity in taste preferences. So, if you’re a supertaster, don’t hesitate to explore and savor the flavors that bring you joy.