What To Expect After You Get Dental Implants?

What to Expect After You Get Dental Implants

Perhaps you’re missing one or more teeth or have damaged teeth and simply can’t imagine wearing dentures for the rest of your life. Dental implants are a great alternative. They will provide a long-term solution and look, feel, and act …

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How Much Does It Cost To Get Your Teeth Fixed?

How Much Does It Cost To Get Your Teeth Fixed

Teeth can become worn, chipped, broken, and stained over time. From unexpected injuries to unfortunate decay, imperfections can become frustrating and drain your confidence. Fortunately, there are various cosmetic options available to give your smile a makeover. Here’s a look …

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Awareness of Dental Caries That you Should Know About

Awareness of Dental Caries That you Should Know About

Making an appointment with your dentist in Parramatta only comes to mind whenever you need a dental filling, cleaning, or want to get rid of a nerve-racking toothache. While that is okay, oral health makes tremendous contributions to general health. …

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How to Choose the Right Toothbrush

How to Choose the Right Toothbrush for You

Keeping our oral health in check is extremely important. Both children and adults should be brushing their teeth twice a day, for two minutes a day. Brushing your teeth is such an important task, so choosing the right brush for …

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Why Do People have Silver Teeth?

Why do people have silver teeth?

For more than a century, dentists have used dental amalgam (metal fillings). The restorative material is thoroughly researched and tested. It is durable, resistant to wear, easy to use, and inexpensive compared to other materials. Silver tooth crowns are made …

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