10 Best Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth

Honestly! There is nothing more painful than sensitive teeth. Eating and drinking can become painful; if you are suffering from teeth sensitivity you cannot enjoy an ice cream or a hot coffee cup.

Enamel is the layer that protects the teeth, and when it is removed, sensitivity in teeth happens. Although it is important to visit your dentist for the critical condition, some at-Home Remedies reduce the pain.

How To Take Care of Sensitive Teeth By National Dental Centre Singapore

1. Desensitizing Toothpaste

Desensitizing toothpaste has agents that assist to guard nerve ends from the plague. It has potassium nitrate that does not allow pain signals to travel from the tooth nerve to the brain.

After a few days of its use, the sensitivity of your teeth will decrease. The dentists also recommend Soft-bristled toothbrushes.

2. Rinse with Salt Water

If you are having a painful tooth or swollen gums, rinse your mouth with saltwater. Salt is an effective disinfectant, and it helps to decrease the sensitivity.

All you have to do is add 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt in a moderated warm water. Swish the mixture in your mouth for a few seconds and then throw it out.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used to reduce pain and swelling in the mouth and clean cuts and wounds to stop the infection. It is also used to kill bacteria and cure bleeding gums.

Research published in the “Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry”, demonstrates that if it is used as a mouthwash, it will reduce gingivitis.

To make a mouth rinse; add 4 cups of 3% of hydrogen peroxide in the same amount of warm water and swish the solution in the mouth for a few seconds then spit it out. In the end, remove your mouth with water to fully remove hydrogen peroxide.

4. Baking Soda

Many dentists recommend baking soda for sensitive teeth. It prevents plaque formation and slows down gum stagnation if you do not brush too hard while using it. 

Use a foil paper, pour some baking soda on it and wrap it around your teeth or you can buy a toothpaste that has baking soda. It is used not only as a treatment but also for whitening the teeth.

5. Honey and Warm Water

Honey is a natural antibacterial compound that can speed up the healing process. It is also used to decrease swelling, burn and pain.

To relieve pain from sensitive teeth, all you have to do is take one tsp honey and mix it with water for use as a mouthwash.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is famous for its health benefits as it was used in cancer prevention and other cardiovascular disorders studies. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that can enhance oral health.

For sensitive teeth, take green tea containing no sugar and use it as a mouthwash. Rinse your mouth with it two times a day to get a faster cure from inflammation and nourish your teeth.

7. Clove Oil

Clove oil is known for its painkilling effect. It is used to desensitize the affected tooth and the gums around it. It has natural microbicides that kill the oral microbes and reduce the pain quickly.

Many leading medical and alternative medicine exponents have pointed out clove oil benefits for teeth. People that have undergone dental procedures are often prescribed clove oil for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Take 5 drops of clove oil and mix it well with one tsp of coconut oil. Apply it to the infected area and leave about 10 minutes before washing it off. Use it once or twice a day.

8. Garlic

Garlic is beneficial to overall health. It also has the capability to kill microbes and reduce inflammation and toothache. It has allicin that is used as an antibacterial agent. It is used in eastern medicines to cure teeth of sensitivity and reduce tooth decay.

Crush a garlic clove, add some water and a pinch of salt in it. Rub it on the tooth and leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it with water. Use it once a day.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory compound known as curcumin. It is used in eastern medicine for centuries like garlic to relieve pain and heal the wound.

To cure sensitive teeth, add one teaspoon of turmeric and half a teaspoon of water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to teeth and gums twice a day.

10. Probiotics

Probiotics have a great impact on the digestive system, but research has proved that it also helps restore oral health. Probiotics are used as anti-inflammation and prevent gingivitis that causes sensitive teeth and swollen gums.

Taking a probiotic supplement daily can leave a long-lasting effect, but one that is especially for teeth will work better.

Frequently Ask Questions

How do you stop sensitive teeth pain?

What causes sensitive teeth all of a sudden?

Can sensitive teeth be cured?

Does salt water help sensitive teeth?

What can be done for very sensitive teeth?

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