When it comes to a woman’s potential to have a child, the way her body is constructed may play a significant role. Certain factors are essentially beyond a woman’s control, such as genetic conditions that influence the reproductive system.
Changes in body mass index and other variables may also boost fertility. A weight-to-height ratio considered reasonable from a medical perspective has increased the probability of a successful pregnancy. Losing weight may help people wanting to conceive increase their fertility.
Being overweight is based on your BMI- Body Mass Index. The meaning pre-pregnancy means your body mass index before you are getting pregnant.
- Being overweight means your BMI is 25.0 to 29.9 before your pregnancy. Being overweight means that your body weight has exceeded your muscles, bone, fat, and water.
- If you’re considered obese, then your BMI is about 30.0 or even higher before you get pregnant. Being obese means that you have an excess amount of body fat. BMI over 40 and pregnancy is quite problematic.Â
In this article, we’ll discuss the potential link between a woman’s weight and her fertility, explain how to tell if your weight is affecting your fertility, and offer advice on how to reduce your weight and improve your fertility health to increase your chances of conceiving.
If you’re overweight and want to get pregnant
If you are at a healthy weight, then getting pregnant gets easier. But you should do one thing: lose some weight before you think of getting pregnant.
It is possible that losing that much weight is difficult, but if you lose even a little bit of weight it helps you a lot as well. Any loss of weight reduces the chance of any complications of pregnancy.
BMI Over 40 And Pregnant
Body Mass Index is high or over 40, it is considered very high and risky. Any doctor would recommend you to lose at least about 5kgs.
It is common for some overweight or obese women to lose weight while they are pregnant.
If you are getting pregnant at 40 and overweight. You should consult your doctor about your weight and eating habits and keep your doctor updated about your weight gain or loss.
If your BMI is high then, then risks of miscarriage, stillbirth, gestational diabetes, heart problems, and sleep apnea.
What is the right weight gain during pregnancy?
Before you get it, it is important to consider the weight you had before pregnancy and your BMI. These two together will determine how much weight you should gain during pregnancy.
Your physical health should be the number one priority during pregnancy. The minimum weight to get pregnant in kg is about 65K kg.
Having been overweight, the risks are a big factor, such as.
- Gestational diabetes is a health factor that can create a problem for short-term and long-term health for you and your baby.
- Labour and birth complications are always there for obese and overweight women. Complications such as birth interventions and caesareans and shoulder dystocia are a risk.
- Medical complications like pre-eclampsia, sleep apnoea, and postnatal depression, are serious conditions.
- Single Pregnancy– Considering your BMI is 30 or maybe higher and you are having one baby, then the weight you should gain is about 11 to 20 pounds.
- Multiple Pregnancy- But if you are having two or more babies together, then you should have a weight gain of about 25 to 42 pounds.
The ideal weight for a 5’3 female to get pregnant in kg is about 63 to 76 kg. Controlling and maintaining your weight if you are trying to get pregnant is very important.Â
Pregnant at 40 and Overweight
Getting healthy pregnant at the age of 40 is always considered a risk, but if you are at a healthy weight, then the risk factors are less.
Conceiving later in life is always a risk factor, for both the baby and the mother.
But it is a bit different when it comes to women over 40 and obese. The risk factor is higher when it comes to older women.
Normally, women over 40 usually go for a C-section, natural birth for them is usually uncommon and unnatural.
It is also common for them to deliver earlier than normal, which usually raises the health risk of the baby as well, and might create a lot of health problems as well, the most common of them is heart disease.
But if you have the health factors of obesity and diabetes, then the risk increases.
How Does Obesity Affect Pregnancy?
Many obese and overweight women have normal pregnancy and delivery. However, some people have trouble conceiving naturally, and it’s likely due to their weight.
Even while being obese or overweight may wreak havoc on a woman’s menstrual cycle and make it harder to anticipate when she will ovulate, this is not the only weight-related aspect that can affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant. When you are overweight, your body will have more fatty tissue than it needs. The production of a hormone known as leptin is much greater than average. Because of this, the delicate balance of your hormones is thrown off, which, in turn, affects your capacity to conceive a child.
In addition, women who are overweight, particularly when the extra weight is held in the abdomen region, are at a larger risk for developing insulin resistance. Insulin resistance also causes disruptions in hormone balances, which may affect ovulation and the overall quality of an individual’s eggs.
- Congenital disabilities: There is an increased chance of birth abnormalities, including those that affect the heart and the neural tube, for children who are born to mothers who are obese.
- Issues with tests: When pregnant women have excessive body fat, it may be more difficult for an ultrasound technician to detect certain anatomical abnormalities in the developing baby. If you have a weight problem, it may be more difficult to check the heart rate of the fetus when you are in labor.
- Macrosomia: The fetus in this case is disproportionately large. If this happens, there’s a greater chance that anything will go wrong during labor and delivery. It is not uncommon for the fetus’s shoulder to get trapped after the delivery of the head. In addition, having a baby with macrosomia raises the likelihood that you’ll need a cesarean section. Babies who are born with excessive amounts of body fat are more likely to develop obesity as they grow up.
- Preterm birth: Medical professionals may recommend a premature delivery if the mother has complications during pregnancy due to her weight, such as preeclampsia. Having the kid early for medical reasons. Babies born before 39 weeks of pregnancy are not as developed as those born later. This puts premature infants at risk for both immediate and future health issues.
How can I lose weight safely?
To get rid of excess fat, you have to burn more calories than you consume each day. You will be able to accomplish this goal if you engage in consistent physical activity and consume nutritious meals.
Your obstetrician and gynecologist may suggest that you speak with a nutritionist to assist you in developing a nutritious meal pattern along with the best vegan plant-based protein powder.
If you wish to reduce your body fat percentage, you should work on getting more exercise and replace one meal with a vegan protein supplement.
On most days of the week, you should strive to be moderately active for sixty minutes (for instance, bicycling, light exercise, and general gardening) or vigorously active for thirty minutes (for instance, running, swimming laps, or performing heavy yard work).
You don’t need to complete this quantity entirely at once. You may, for instance, engage in physical activity for a total of three sessions of twenty minutes each.
Controlling your weight can be difficult. But that shouldn’t stop you from the dream of having a baby. The risks of pregnancy are always there, at any age and weight.
But the risk of being overweight for any woman is a health problem but the risks can be handled properly with the right consultancy.

Sandra is a health blogger based in San Diego, California. She is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. She loves being outdoors and exploring new places with her husband. She is a mom of two awesome kids and a dog named Luna!