Does a Fitness Tracker Work in Your Pocket

pocket fitness tracker

Are you somebody whose job or profession doesn’t allow fitness trackers or any type of arm wear? Or you don’t like tying something on your wrist. Maybe you recently bought a fitness tracker and you want to go with it …

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Getting Back in Shape Ready for a Post-Covid World

Getting Back in Shape Ready for a Post-Covid World

The coronavirus pandemic has hit every single one of us in one way or another. From parents getting to grips with home-schooling children, people either working from home or completely losing their jobs to those who have suffered directly because …

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Best Biceps Workouts for Women

Best Biceps Workouts for Women

It might not be the most common exercise for women but bicep workouts are rather important for “the weaker sex”. Namely, these muscles are used in everyday activities, so the stronger the biceps are the better quality of your life …

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3 Best Close Grip Bench Press Alternative

3 Close Grip Bench Press Alternatives

Possibly of all strength exercises, the bench press is the most popular in gyms around the world. You may not be able to deadlift in many of these centers, but there will be a bar and bench to work your …

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18 Most Googled Keto Diet FAQs

Most Googled Keto Diet FAQs

Thinking about trying the keto diet? Curious about what you can eat on keto, and whether it will work for you? You’re not alone — plenty of people are trying this diet, but this means that people have lots of …

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