4 Tips for Beating Afternoon Fatigue

4 Tips for Beating Afternoon Fatigue

Afternoon fatigue is exceptionally common. Many of us find that for an hour or two in the afternoon we’re tired, yawning, struggling to focus, and quite keen to get off for a lie-down. This is the natural result of a …

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4 Best Natural Cures For Health Issues While Traveling

4 Best Natural Cures For Health Issues While Traveling

Travel is all about exploring the wilderness and connecting to your inner self. While traversing through the lush-green terrains, you are prone to several harmful environmental agents. Also, the abrupt weather changes might affect your vital functioning and lead to …

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6 Reasons to Wear Your Birthstone

6 Reasons to Wear Your Birthstone

Precious and semiprecious gems for centuries have symbolized more than just elegance and sophistication. Besides being utterly gorgeous and colorful, these seemingly exquisite stones have a unique ability that characterizes your personality.  Alongside your zodiac sign, birthstone gems can absorb …

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