How To Create a Healthy Sleep Routine

Sleep routines can enhance both the length and quality of your sleep, which is necessary for optimal health.

Factors such as light exposure, caffeine consumption, sleeping on a worn-out mattress, among others, negatively impact your sleep quality.

Fortunately, by making the necessary adjustments, you will sleep better each night and wake up ready to tackle the day ahead.

For instance, if your mattress is getting in the way of acquiring the amount of sleep you need, you could make a point of buying a new one.

There are several quality mattresses options for people who sleep in all kinds of sleeping positions, including stomach sleepers – all you need to do is go online and place your order.

According to the CDC, a third of Americans are often sleep deprived.

If you fall in this category, you should consider creating a healthy sleep routine. Establishing a healthy sleep routine is highly recommended to people of all ages since it is key to getting adequate sleep every night.

A healthy sleep routine requires making a few adjustments to your lifestyle to help relax your mind and body to prepare you for sleep.

Why Sleep is More Important Than Diet | Shawn Stevenson on Health Theory by Tom Bilyeu

What to Consider When Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine

Creating a healthy sleep routine is the most budget-friendly approach to take on wellness. Here are a few things to consider when creating your sleep routine:

Formulating a Set Bedtime

Formulating set bed and wake-up times and sticking to them every day helps train your brain to feel tired naturally at bedtime.

In regards to your natural sleep-wake cycle, your brain automatically winds down a few hours before your bedtime. Sticking to your bedtime makes this process more effective.

Putting Away Electronic Devices

Contrary to what most people think, scrolling through social media platforms or watching your favorite Netflix show won’t help you relax.

The blue light emitted from smartphones, computers, tablets, and televisions flood your brain making it think it’s daytime.

As a result, your brain works to stay awake, suppressing melatonin production. To avoid the nightly disruption that comes with blue-light exposure, you should steer clear of electronic devices at the beginning of your bedtime routine.

Taking a Warm Bath

Naturally, your body goes through different hormonal changes throughout the day that relate to your sleep-wake cycle.

A drop in your body’s core temperature is among these changes, and it plays a part in preparing you for sleep.

Scientists have discovered that mimicking your body’s drop in temperature with a warm bath helps trigger a similar sleepy reaction. Taking a warm bath an hour before going to bed can help create a sensation that makes you relaxed enough to fall asleep.

Practicing Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises can help you let go of mental tension and focus on relaxing.

Breathing exercises, stretching, light yoga, and meditation go a long way toward enhancing your sleep quality by relaxing you into sleep.

Being Cautious About What You Eat and Drink

Going to bed stuffed or hungry can cause a lot of nighttime disruption, which will interfere with your sleep. You should especially avoid heavy meals before going to sleep.

Caffeine and nicotine also deserve caution because their stimulating effects can keep you up for hours. Even though alcohol often acts as a sedative that helps you initiate sleep, you should avoid taking it within the hours of your bedtime.

Preparing Your Bedroom

It’s essential to dedicate part of your sleep routine to modifying your bedroom into an environment that encourages sleep. Your bedroom should be quiet, dark, and cool.

Dimming your lights, putting up blackout curtains, decluttering, adjusting your thermostat, and using an aromatherapy diffuser can help turn your bedroom into a sleep oasis.

A Healthy Sleep Routine is Key to Quality Sleep

Human beings are creatures of habit, which makes it easy to acclimate to routines. And like most routines, sleep routines establish habits that help your brain recognize when it’s time for sleep.

A healthy sleep routine helps clear your mind from stress and anxiety and helps your body relax into sleep, making it easier for you to achieve the quality sleep you need.