How To Fix Crowded Teeth Without Braces

How To Fix Crowded Teeth Without Braces

Well, is it possible to fix crowded teeth without braces? In some cases, the answer is yes! Many researchers have created a treatment plan that can improve the appearance of crooked and crowded teeth. We all know crooked teeth can …

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6 Tips For Running a Successful Dental Practice

5 Tips for Running a Successful Dental Practice

Some dental practices are in constant demand while some seldom get patients and struggle to maintain their business. What causes such a great difference between the same practices? Although clinical excellence is the most powerful determinant of a successful dental …

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Can Obesity Cause Dental Problems?

Can obesity cause dental problems

Obesity And Oral Health The term obesity refers to an individual who has a huge mass of body fat. Obesity can also be classified as a chronic disease by the W.H.O. (World Health Organization), which is a worldwide public health …

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