We all are aware of the importance of consistent personal hygiene to maintain better health and overall wellbeing.
However, school children aren’t always capable of understanding the importance of personal hygiene.
Even teenagers can be tough to convince if they haven’t made a good habit of maintaining good hygiene habits from a young age.
We’ve put together a personal hygiene checklist for students from kids to teenagers to help parents and guardians to guide them to better hygiene habits.
Personal Hygiene Tips For Kids
Maintaining personal hygiene at home is different for kids than at school. At home, children are accompanied by parents, babysitters, older siblings, and so on.
These people all assist the child in maintaining their personal hygiene since not all young children are capable of doing it on their own or making those conscious decisions.
For example, the child may know when to go potty when they need to and wash their hands, but they don’t know how often to bathe or wash their hair.
That is often kept track by parents. It’s never too early to introduce kids to the basics of personal hygiene in the comfort of your own home.
Here is the best at-home personal hygiene checklist for kids:
- Washing hands even when they aren’t visibly dirty.
- Bathing regularly and washing hair 2-3 times a week.
- Brushing teeth twice a day.
- Changing dirty socks and underwear every day
- Proper wiping and cleaning after toilet use.
- Using mild toiletries designed for kids to avoid irritation.
- Brushing hair everyday to avoid tangling
Personal Hygiene Checklist For Students
If you have young school children, it’s best to inform them about the main personal hygiene activities they can do before and during school to not put their hygiene at risk when they’re on their own.
That will also help them get in the habit of maintaining a personal hygiene routine and being familiar with how to take care of themselves at school without parental supervision.
- Wash hands before lunch and after recess. Schoolchildren typically know that they need to wash their hands after the restroom, but it’s also important that they know to wash them after playing during breaks and before going to lunch. Their hands may become dirty after contact with playground apparatuses, sand, and other children.
- Cover mouth when sneezing or coughing with either a tissue or elbow. It’s important that kids attending school know how easily germs are transmitted to and from each other.
- Wear clean clothes every morning and change them after school. Whether it’s a school uniform or regular clothes, they should be changed every day.
- Keep their backpacks and other school items clean. It’s not the best feeling when you dump out your kid’s backpack and dozens of crumbs fall out along with who knows what other small debris.
Hygiene Activities For High School Students
Older children typically have better personal hygiene practices since they care about their appearance and personal care more than young schoolchildren.
Here is our Personal hygiene checklist for students in high school to maintain the best personal hygiene possible while balancing school-home life.
- Avoid overusing dry shampoo. It’s a quick solution to greasy hair in the mornings but it only masks the dirtiness of the hair. It’s better to wash your hair with regular shampoo when you get home.
- Don’t touch your face and hair often. Public amenities are breeding grounds for bacteria and germs. Older school children should limit how often they touch their face and hair with unclean hands to avoid picking up that bad bacteria.
- Always dry hands after washing. Most kids know the importance of washing their hands and don’t need to be reminded, it’s an automatic process at this point. But many of them may put off drying hands properly, opting to dry them against their clothes and dash out the door. Make use of the hand dryers or paper towels provided in the restroom before leaving.
- Shaving helps with body odor. Whether you decide to shave or not and where to shave, it’s best to keep in mind that it can eliminate body odor if you’re concerned about it.
- Shower and bathe everyday if you play sports at school and become sweaty. It’s much worse to let the sweat stay on your body than to shower one extra time.
- Don’t underestimate the importance of moisturizing to avoid dry skin, especially during colder months. Although moisturizing doesn’t directly affect hygiene, it’s a good step to take after bathing and making a habit of for better quality skin.
- Never put off a visit to a dentist. Brushing and flossing are not enough to keep your dental health in check. Dentists need to examine your teeth every 6 months so they can prevent any complications that may arise. They may also suggest procedures that can help in improving your smiles such as braces and professional cosmetic injections in pulaski.
We hope these personal hygiene tips for kids and students help you out!
Contributed By Max Dry

I am Kate, a dedicated health advocate. My purpose is to educate you regarding the most current wellness trends, offer science-backed insights to enhance your understanding, and present actionable tips to support you on your journey towards a healthier and happier life. Let us commence this wellness path together!