9 Incredible Ways To Use Thyme Oil For Health

Thyme is a mint-family herb that you’ve most likely seen in your spice cupboard. But it’s much more than a spur-of-the-moment addition. It was used as incense by the ancient Egyptians and embalmed by the ancient Greeks.

Due to its distinct flavor, thyme has remained a culinary favorite until this day. Thyme, on the other hand, is swiftly gaining a reputation for its medicinal qualities, which include the ability to treat acne and high blood pressure.

If you’ve tried and failed to get relief from acne using over-the-counter medications, you could be in luck.

Thyme is recognized for its antimicrobial characteristics, and it might be used to treat acne in the future.

Thyme is transformed into a tincture when it is steeped in alcohol for days or weeks.

Researchers in the United Kingdom investigated the effects of thyme tinctures on acne.

The results of a single trial on thyme tincture were outstanding.

Antiacne drugs including benzoyl peroxide did not function as well as this natural herb mixture against pimples. Only time will tell whether this therapy works as an acne treatment.

Thyme Essential Oil Benefits | Uses by Aroma Hut Institute

Thyme Oil Uses

  • Thyme oil has been shown in several studies to reduce or eliminate foodborne pathogens, enhance heart health, and reduce systemic inflammation, among many other things.
  • Keep in mind that there’s no proof that thyme oil would cure any specific condition on its own.
  • While further study is necessary, thyme oil is currently thought to be beneficial when used in combination with other therapies rather than as a stand-alone treatment or cure.
  • Thyme oil has a number of compounds that are good for one’s health.

Let’s have a peek into the applications of thyme:


  • There is some proof that thyme oil can help reduce acne-causing germs on the skin. 
  • Both thyme and oregano oil were found to be beneficial in killing germs in an animal investigation, although oregano oil was more helpful.

Alopecia areata

  • Thyme oil, along with other essential oils and a carrier oil, can be used as a therapy to prevent hair loss when combined with massage.
  • There is currently no evidence to suggest that it is useful for this ailment, while anecdotal evidence suggests that a mixture of essential oils, including thyme, may be effective.

Breast cancer 

  • According to one preliminary study, wild thyme essence may one-day show promise in the fight against breast cancer.

Coughs and diseases of the respiratory tract

  • The thymol component of thyme oil is thought to be responsible for its antispasmodic properties.
  • When mixed with primrose essential oil, thyme essential oil has been shown to help alleviate coughs and lessen the duration of respiratory system illnesses like the cold virus.

Preservative in food

  • Thyme essential oil was shown to help eliminate food-related germs and fungus in research published in the Journal of Medicine and Life.

Decrease blood pressure.

  • The thyme Thymus linearis Benth. is found in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  • An extract was shown to drastically reduce heart rate and cut cholesterol in rats with high blood pressure, according to research.
  • Substituting thyme for salt in your dishes is a certain technique to reduce your heart rate.
  • This is an essential thyme oil use.

To stop coughing, use thyme.

  • Thyme essential oil, extracted from the plant’s leaves, is commonly used as a cough treatment. 
  • A mixture of thyme and ivy leaves was shown to help relieve coughing and other symptoms of acute bronchitis are one study
  • When you have a cough or a sore throat, try drinking thyme tea.

Stay healthy by boosting your immunity.

  • It might be difficult to get all of the vitamins your body needs daily. Thyme, fortunately, is high in vitamin C and a rich source of vitamin A. 
  • If you’re getting a cold, thyme might help you get back on your feet.
  • Thyme is also high in copper, fibre, iron, and manganese, which is beneficial for your health.

Thyme is used to disinfect.

  • Mould is a common yet deadly air contaminant that may be found in your house. Take the required actions to eliminate it once and for all after you’ve identified it. 
  • Low mould concentrations may be helped with thyme oil.
  • Thymol and thyme essential oils have fungicidal effects. 
  • According to research, it can be used as a disinfectant in homes with a low concentration of mold.

How to use thyme oil?

For certain persons, a tiny aromatherapy experiment conducted in 1998 yielded positive benefits.

You should test it to see how it works and it is unlikely to harm you. Follow these instructions at home to attempt an aromatherapy scalp treatment:

  • Choose a vegetable oil like jojoba or grapeseed oil as the carrier oil.
  • 2 to 3 cups carrier oil, 3 to 5 drops each of thyme, lavender, rosemary, and cedarwood essential oils Each of these oils have properties that may assist with hair growth and scalp health.
  • Massage a small amount into the scalp every day for around 10 minutes.
  • If desired, leave on for an hour or longer.
  • Use a mild shampoo and conditioner to rinse and condition your hair.
  • This treatment might take months to take effect. Stop using it if your scalp becomes itchy.

Do a trial run with each oil before using it to make sure it doesn’t bother your skin, eyes, or nasal systems.

Before testing, essential oils should always be combined with a carrier oil. Do not apply excessive essential oil to your scalp or any other part of your body.


Thyme oil has been shown to aid in the treatment of a range of diseases, as well as the health of the heart and tongue.

It’s not meant to be used as a stand-alone treatment for any condition, although it may be beneficial when combined with other medications.

In addition to essential oil, this may be found in commercially created things such as cosmetics, toiletries, and food. It’s a preservative and antibacterial agent that’s widely used.