The pregnancy is a time when multiple changes – both physical and emotional ones – take place . It’s also a time when parents-to-be need to tackle a number of important tasks.
Along with regular prenatal checkups and shopping for cute baby items, there are plenty of other, less-popular things to put on your pregnancy checklist. Here are some of them.
Get your finances in order and start saving
This may not be as exciting as sharing the news with your partner, choosing a name, or designing the nursery.
Still, figuring out your finances is a vital step when you’re getting ready to welcome a new family member.
The truth is, the costs of raising a baby can easily start to add up. You want to make sure that you and your partner can handle these expenses without the unnecessary stress and anxiety.
The best way to do so is to estimate how much money you’ll need to spend in the baby’s first year and start saving well in advance.
You may also want to look into different savings plan options and open a custodial account. After all, it’s never too early to begin budgeting for your child’s future education and other various expenses.
Explore different childcare options
Another important thing you’ll need to add to your pregnancy checklist is making the right childcare choice.
The truth is, every parent wants to secure the best, highest quality childcare for their little one.
But the process of finding one is not an easy feat, so it’s best to get started early on – ideally, while you’re three to four months pregnant.
Of course, finding affordable and quality childcare may not be an issue if you have grandparents nearby. But for many parents, it all boils down to having to choose between daycare centers and a nanny.
For some, it’s a combination of both. And while your budget and time will play vital roles in the decision-making process, ultimately, you want to stick with what feels best for both the parents and the little one.
Figure out if you want to bank your baby’s cord blood
Protecting your little one’s future is vital, and many parents decide to do this by banking their baby’s cord blood.
Collected after the delivery, the umbilical cord blood is a rich source of potentially life-saving stem cells. Stem cells can be used to treat a number of different diseases.
By deciding to store them, parents can preserve these stem cells for potential future use.
If you are considering this option, it’s best that you make your decision well in advance. This is your family’s personal decision, and definitely not something you want to do in a rush.
Therefore, take a look at cord blood registries well before your due date and make necessary arrangements.
If you have any questions regarding the procedure, ask ahead of time. Get as much information as possible since that will help you make an informed decision.
Start writing your birth plan and a will
Around the time you’re six months pregnant, you should start creating a will along with your birth plan.
A will is something you can easily write on your laptop nowadays, tackling everything from guardianship to child’s inheritance. You don’t necessarily have to work with an attorney.
That said, don’t put it off indefinitely just to end up doing it in a time crunch.
The following weeks would also be the right time to get life insurance, and begin writing a birth plan. There’s a tool for that as well, but you should definitely talk things over with your doctor.
Doing so will let others know what your wishes regarding your labor and delivery while having a will in place will help prevent legal challenges in case of unforeseen events.
Find the right pediatrician for your little one
Once your little one arrives, you’ll have less time to spend looking for the best pediatrician for your child.
Chances are, your baby will occupy all your time and attention, so much so that you won’t have any spare time to go on appointments with several different pediatricians and interview them one by one.
This is why it pays to tick this important task off your to-do list while you’re still pregnant. Plan to do this at seven months pregnant to spare yourself the unnecessary hassle later on.
Cook some food in advance and freeze it for later
After giving birth, cooking will probably be the last thing on your mind, along with other tedious household chores.
While you can get friends and family to help out with cleaning, it wouldn’t hurt to meal prep in advance.
In the weeks leading up to your due date, cook some food ahead of time and freeze it for later. That way, you’ll make sure you always have a healthy and nutritious meal on hand.
Not to mention how you’ll spare yourself unnecessary stress and even save some money down the road.
Wrapping up
From the moment you find out you’re pregnant, the upcoming months become all about preparing for what’s ahead.
While you’re busy preparing for the birth of your baby, do not forget to listen to your body and take care of yourself. Include in your checklist the preparation of materials you’ll need and activities you’ll undertake to recover and bounce back after you give birth. These can include continuing intake of vitamin supplements, planning a post-pregnancy workout regimen or starting a belly wrapping routine, and sourcing creams to treat stretch marks.Using anti-stretch mark creams is one of the most effective ways of keeping your skin healthy and treating stretch marks.
These creams help to stimulate collagen production, promote skin cell regeneration, and hydrate the affected area, which helps to make the skin more supple. You can find powerful anti-stretch creams and lotions in Evertone skincare store, Bio-Oil, and Body Merry that can help you keep your skin supple and hydrated.
The to-do list is a lengthy one, but if you keep these tips in mind, you’ll make sure you’re all geared up for your little one’s arrival.

Sandra is a health blogger based in San Diego, California. She is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. She loves being outdoors and exploring new places with her husband. She is a mom of two awesome kids and a dog named Luna!