8 Best Cosmetic Treatments for Aging Skin

Maintaining healthy skin need not be complicated or expensive. Prevention is the best strategy and you can begin with some simple procedures at any age.

The number one piece of advice from professionals is to protect your skin from the sun. This includes limiting your exposure to the sun, especially at peak hours of the day, and not tanning (in the sun or on a sunbed).

Protective clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen are vital protection you can provide for your skin. The majority of aging symptoms can be accounted for by sun exposure, ethnicity, and genetics. 

If you feel your skin needs some extra assistance there are numerous cosmetic treatments available for aging skin.

Some are more abrasive and invasive than others and your choice depends on personal preferences as well as goals, alternatives available, budget, risks, and advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing a treatment or treatment center, always remember that experience matters as you do not want to bear the brunt of a treatment or procedure gone wrong. 

Skin Aging – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options by Rehealthify


While using a better moisturizer and topical treatments (such as retinoids or vitamin C) will help soften and smooth dry, rough skin, you may want to also try micro-needling.

Micro-needling causes a small amount of damage to the skin, which can promote collagen and elastin production, heal scars and fine wrinkles, minimize hyperpigmentation, and rejuvenate the skin when done correctly.

Micro-needling is a skin resurfacing technique that works by stimulating the skin’s natural healing processes.

Laser Treatment

Laser skin treatments use high-intensity lasers or light pulses to improve the appearance of wrinkles and scars by effectively tightening loose skin.

BBL (broadband light), photofacial, and photorejuvenation are some of the terms used to describe Intense Pulsed Light techniques.

While unique treatment platforms range slightly in their specifications, they all use broad-wavelength intense pulsed light technology—the expertise of your provider matters more than the brand name of the treatment.

Fillers, Volumizers, and Injectables

Dermal fillers are used to replenish volume in the skin. The lips, face, and hands can all benefit from these fillers. Collagen, hyaluronic acid (a naturally produced sugar that decreases as you get older) gel, or fat can be used in this “liquid facial” therapy.

There are numerous injectables available on the market that are used to treat crow’s feet and frown lines. This method of treatment works by inhibiting muscular tightness in the treated area. A common name for this type of treatment is Botox. 

Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion expels cells from only the top layer of the skin and encourages new skin formation by using microscopic, fine particles sprayed onto the skin and gently sanded away.

Dermabrasion is a more powerful resurfacing technique that removes skin from the treated region layer by layer with a fast spinning tool or blade until the appropriate depth is reached.

Dermabrasion removes enough layers of skin to remove noticeable issues while encouraging new cell growth.

Cosmetic Surgery

A tighter appearance can be achieved by lifting the skin on the face, neck, eyes, and forehead. What used to be done openly, with larger incisions, can now be done endoscopically, with smaller incisions strategically placed in difficult-to-detect regions like under the hairline. A common option to combat the signs of aging is a brow or forehead lift. 

Chemical Peels

This treatment uses an acidic chemical solution that causes the outer damaged layers of skin to peel off. 

A peel is usually classed as mild, medium, or deep depending on the therapy chosen. This is with reference to the number of layers of skin that are removed.

Deeper peels go further into the epidermis (or even the dermis) and are advised for more advanced indications of aging, including deeper wrinkles and extensive sun damage, as well as severe acne scars.

To combat your skin’s signs of aging you should stop smoking, eat a balanced diet, drink less alcohol, exercise, and follow a good skincare regime. After these good habits are in place, you can consider further options.