Does Spicy Food Kill Bacteria?

Spicy food lovers rejoice! A recent study suggests that the more spice you consume, the less likely you are to get sick.

While you probably already know spicy foods can prevent the flu and other illnesses because of their ability to kill bacteria.

The question is, exactly how do spices kill bacteria? The spiciness comes from a substance called “capsaicin,” which gives chili peppers their heat.

Other plants like mustard greens and wasabi also have high amounts of capsaicin.

Spicy food

But how does this help your body fight off disease-causing bacteria? Capsaicin temporarily paralyzes the senses of taste and smell – it doesn’t destroy them.

This means that once the initial burn of spicy food goes away, your taste buds come back even stronger.

Some people are so sensitive to hot spices that they become immune to them after eating them repeatedly. 

So what exactly does this mean for you? Well, it means that once you get past the initial burning sensation of spicy food, an even more potent version of your senses will return with a new appreciation for these flavors – no longer will they be bitter and undesirable but instead enjoyable and refreshing.

How Eating Spicy Food Affects Your Brain And Body | The Human Body by Tech Insider

Why does spicy food kill bacteria?

Spicy foods are packed with immune-boosting nutrients and have been shown to have anti-inflammatory benefits.

But what exactly does this have to do with bacteria? Capsaicin – the chemical responsible for spiciness – is also a natural antibacterial agent.

Capsaicin has been shown to kill dangerous bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella. It does this by damaging the cell membrane and killing off the bacteria’s ability to protect itself against outside threats.

So even if bacteria can survive and live with the damage done by spicy foods, they won’t be able to multiply effectively and cause illness and disease to your body.

The Science Behind Spicy Food and Bacteria

When you eat something spicy, a chemical called hydrofluoric acid is created.

This causes an increase in gastric juices that break down proteins and kill off the bacteria inside your stomach! Spices also have antifungal properties.

When a fungal infection – like an athlete’s foot – is left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications like heart disease and diabetes. So, does spicy food kill bacteria? Yes, they do!

Does Hot Sauce Kill Bacteria?

As mentioned above, hot sauce doesn’t kill the bacteria inside your body. However, it does kill the majority of the bacteria found on food items that are eaten raw or undercooked.

One of the main reasons you should always add hot sauce and spices to your meals is that it can drastically cut down on food-borne illnesses caused by bacteria.

And if you think your favorite dishes are ruined because of spices, don’t worry. The high amounts of capsaicin in hot peppers has a healing effect on your mouth, stomach, and intestines!

Other Reasons Why Spicy Foods Help Your Body Fight Off Illness

Spices have anti-inflammatory benefits that may help with Alzheimer’s and joint pain caused by arthritis. Spicy foods boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.

Spices have even been shown to support athletic performance and speed up recovery between workouts and competitions.

How to Use Spicy Food to Protect Against Illness?

As mentioned above, the best way to use spicy foods to protect yourself from illness is to always add extra spice to any recipe that is eaten raw.

This includes fresh vegetables and fruits. Hot sauce can be added to any meal for an added flavor and an immunity boost.

Mixing hot sauce with your oatmeal or yogurt is a great way to start the day off right and add extra benefits to your favorite breakfast foods.

Tips for using spicy foods to protect your body from illness

These are a few things you can do to ensure you’re getting the full benefits of spicy foods daily:

  1. Consume spices in moderation. You don’t want to overdo it and cause inflammation or damage to your stomach.
  2. Try and get as many spices into your diet as possible. This includes cayenne pepper, turmeric, and chili powder.
  3. Add extra spice to your recipes. This includes fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Water helps flush out the toxins in your body and helps to prevent any damage from happening.

What other benefits do spicy foods have?

  1. Boosts Brain Power: Hot peppers are packed with vitamin B and other nutrients that have been shown to help boost cognitive function in adults. This includes short-term memory and focus.
  2. Helps with Weight Loss: Spicy foods are full of nutrients that can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories throughout the day.
  3. Helps with Blood Sugar Regulation: The capsaicin in spicy foods has been shown to help reduce insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 Diabetes.
  4. Boosts Immune System: As mentioned above, spicy foods are a great way to boost your immune system. This is an excellent idea if you suffer from seasonal allergies.

Spicy foods such as chilies, habaneros, ginger, and garlic can kill bacteria by increasing the production of heat-resistant proteins.

These proteins are activated by the high heat of the chilies and other spices, which makes them poisonous to bacteria.

Spices such as turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and discomfort during a cold or flu.

Some spices may have antiviral properties as well. As per science, does spicy food kills bacteria? So!

Final Take

Spicy foods are great for your health and can help prevent many illnesses and diseases worldwide.

It’s important to always add extra spice to any recipe that is eaten raw, as this is when the benefits are the most potent and effective.

Spices have anti-inflammatory benefits that may help with Alzheimer’s and joint pain caused by arthritis.

Hot peppers are packed with vitamin B and other nutrients that have been shown to help boost cognitive function in adults.

This includes short-term memory and focus. Spicy foods are full of nutrients that can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories throughout the day.

The capsaicin in spicy foods has been shown to help reduce insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 Diabetes.

Spicy foods are great for your health and can help prevent many illnesses and diseases worldwide.

It’s important to always add extra spice to any recipe that is eaten raw, as this is when the benefits are the most potent.