How To Manage Your Mental Health During College 

College is an exciting and challenging time for many young people. It’s a time when you are meeting new people, learning new things, and facing the pressures of balancing classes, exams, work, and social life.

With so much going on at once, it can be easy to forget about caring for your mental health.

But managing your mental health during college is essential for staying healthy and successful in all areas of your life. Here are some tips on how to stay mentally healthy during college. 

Your Mental Health in College | How to College | Crash Course

Take Time For Yourself 

Take Time For Yourself 

Self-care is important in any situation but especially in college when there are multiple demands placed on you.

Taking time out each day to relax and recharge will help you manage the stress levels that come with college life.

Make sure to set aside time each day where you can engage in activities that make you feel relaxed such as taking a walk or reading a book. 

Stay Connected With Friends & Family 

Having strong social support networks is essential for maintaining good mental health during college. Keeping in touch with family and friends can help keep feelings of loneliness and anxiety under control as well as provide an outlet for venting frustrations.

If possible, try to get together with friends or family members at least once a week; this will provide a much-needed break from studying and allow you to connect with people who understand what you’re going through. 

Build a Strong Community 

Through the support of friends, family, professors, and mental health professionals, individuals can create a positive and uplifting environment.

Communication is key when building this community as it allows individuals to express their concerns and receive advice and feedback.

It’s important to remember that seeking out help is a sign of strength and not weakness.

Attending support groups, therapy sessions, and social events can help foster a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of loneliness.

By taking the time to build a strong community, individuals can better manage their mental health and feel more confident and supported throughout their college experience.

Work With Career and Academic Counselors 

Navigating mental health in college can be a challenging experience for many students. That’s why it’s important to work with career and academic counselors to support and manage your emotional and psychological well-being during your educational journey.

From coping mechanisms to helpful resources, these professionals have the expertise to help you prioritize and tackle your mental health needs so that you can achieve success in both your academic and personal lives.

For students in high-pressure majors such as those on a medical career track, these services can be especially helpful.

By utilizing these valuable resources, you’ll have the tools necessary to not only survive but thrive during your time in college.

Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your school’s career and academic counseling center and start prioritizing your mental health today!

Practice Self Compassion

One way to manage your mental health during this time is by practicing self-compassion. Essentially, self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness and understanding rather than judgment and criticism.

This means acknowledging and accepting your imperfections and mistakes and treating yourself with the same care and concern that you would offer to a close friend.

By learning to be more self-compassionate, you can reduce stress, boost resilience, and improve your overall mental health during your college years and beyond.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eat a Healthy Diet

While many factors can impact our mental health, one key aspect to consider is the food we eat. Eating a healthy diet can help manage stress levels, improve energy, and boost overall mood.

It’s important to incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals.

Try to limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol as these can lead to inflammation and mood swings.

Small changes can make a big difference, such as swapping out soda for water, packing nutritious snacks for class, and cooking meals at home instead of relying on fast food.

Prioritizing a healthy diet can help you feel your best and better manage the stresses of college life.

Get Enough Sleep 

Sleep deprivation is one of the most common causes of poor mental health during college.

Try to establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning (even on weekends!).

Getting enough sleep will help ensure that your brain gets adequate rest so that it can function properly throughout the day.

Additionally, make sure that your sleeping environment is comfortable; if possible avoid studying or using electronics right before bed as this may make it difficult to fall asleep quickly.  

Caring for your mental health while in college may seem like an overwhelming task but it doesn’t have to be!

By following these simple tips—taking time for yourself, staying connected with friends and family, and getting enough sleep—you can ensure that you stay mentally healthy while still achieving all of your goals during this exciting stage of life!