How To Prepare Yourself For Oral Surgery

If you’re booked in for oral surgery, you might be wondering how you can prepare yourself for your procedure. It’s natural to feel a little anxious and apprehensive when you’ve got upcoming surgery, but proper preparation can make the process less daunting and ensure you have the best outcome.

Regardless of the type of surgery you’re having, preparation can relieve your worries and make the whole process smooth and seamless.

In this article, we will give you some top tips for preparing for oral surgery. However, if you need further guidance after reading this article, contact your dental surgeon for expert advice.

How To Prepare For Your Oral Surgery

Organize Transportation

Organize Transportation

It’s generally recommended that you avoid driving within a day or two following a surgical procedure. Therefore, you’ll need to arrange transport to and from the dental practice on your date of surgery.

Ask your partner, a relative, or a close friend to kindly take you to your surgery and bring you home once you’ve been discharged. They may also need to assist you with general tasks for a few hours after you’ve arrived home.

Fill Your Cupboards With Soft Foods

After any kind of oral surgery, whether it’s a dental crown, tooth extraction, or something else, your mouth will be tender for several days.

Your dentist will recommend that you only consume very soft foods or liquid-based products for a short while to allow your mouth to heal properly.

Stock your cupboards up on soft foods, like soups, yogurt, and mashed potato. Avoid purchasing hard, crunchy foods or spicy dishes, as they will aggravate any wounds in your mouth and prolong the recovery process.

If you take regular medications, your dentist will offer advice on whether you should continue to take them or stop taking them shortly before your procedure. It’s essential that you follow their guidance to ensure there are no delays or complications on the day of surgery.

Your dentist may have prescribed you some pain-relieving medications or antibiotics to take after surgery. Again, they will give you advice on how often to take these medications and whether or not they should be taken with food.

Depending on the type of oral surgery you’re having, you might also need to use special mouthwash for a week or two following your procedure to minimize the risk of infections.

Rest and Relax

Rest and Relax

In the days leading up to your surgery, it’s natural to feel nervous, but it’s important to try and relax as much as possible.

Doing so will make the process much easier and less stressful. Going into your surgery feeling relaxed and comfortable will also enhance the positive outcomes of the procedure.

Admittedly, relaxing your mind is much easier said than done! However, you can try meditation, deep breathing exercises, and gentle walking to calm your nerves.

Dress Appropriately

You’ll need to wear suitable clothing for your surgery. Ideally, you should wear a short-sleeved, loose-fitting T-shirt and some comfortable trousers.

It’s especially important to wear baggy clothing if you’re getting an intravenous (IV) drip for fluids or medications.

You might be given a lightweight gown to wear during the procedure if your clothing isn’t appropriate. Changing into a gown will also prevent your clothes from getting stained during the procedure.

Avoid wearing any jewelry on the day of surgery, and keep your contact lenses out because your eyes may remain shut for several hours if your dental surgeon administers general anesthesia during your procedure.

Contact the expert team at Texsmiles Dental if you’d like more information about preparing for dental surgery.