How Your Oral Health Links To Your Overall Health

Professional dental cleaning in Vero Beach can do more than give you a healthy smile. These routine visits to the dentist can prevent oral issues that can impact your overall health.

Keep reading to learn more about how the two connect!

The Link Between Your Overall Health and Oral Health by Archer Dental

Reasons People Visit the Dentist

Routine dental appointments are designed to keep your oral health in the best shape possible.

During these visits, your dentist will examine your teeth and gums, professionally clean your teeth, and take x-rays. These services are designed to do the following:

  • Prevent bad breath
  • Detect oral diseases early on
  • Maintain a healthy smile
  • Prevent plaque and tartar buildup

Health Issues That Occur From Poor Oral Health

Having poor oral health doesn’t only affect your mouth. Several other health issues can occur if you have issues like periodontal disease.

Below are some of the common conditions a person can develop if they neglect to care for their oral health:

Cardiovascular Disease

You may have heard some dental professionals state that gum disease can increase your risk of getting heart disease.

This happens because some of the bacteria from your mouth can end up in your bloodstream.

This causes the arteries to harden from plaque buildup, leading to blood flow problems, heart blockages, or blood clots.


Did you know that gum disease can lead to high blood sugar levels, putting a person at greater risk of getting diabetes? This happens because it causes inflammation in the mouth, weakening the body’s ability to process sugar in the blood and utilize insulin.

People who already have diabetes may find it more difficult to manage it if they also have gum disease.


As you can imagine, poor oral health and smoking can increase your chances of getting oral and throat cancer.

Some researchers also notice a strong correlation between poor oral health and other types of cancer, including:

  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Blood cancer


This may come as a surprise to many people! Gum disease can cause dementia-related diseases due to inflammation releasing harmful substances that kill brain cells. This can lead to memory loss.

Fertility and Pregnancy Problems

When a woman becomes pregnant, the hormonal changes her body experiences can cause her to get oral infections more easily.

This is why it’s crucial for expecting mothers to practice good oral hygiene habits. Oral health problems in mothers can increase the risk of pregnancy complications, such as premature births and low birth weight.

Conception might also become more difficult if a woman already has gum disease.

Respiratory Infections

People with gum disease may also be at a greater risk of respiratory infections, as the bacteria can transfer into the lungs. Once that happens, people can experience respiratory problems, such as:

  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Gum disease can cause the jawbone to deteriorate as the bacteria eats away at the underlying bone and ligaments.

Studies are working to prove that inflammation from gum disease can also impact the bones throughout the body.

People who already have osteoporosis are at a much greater risk of developing the periodontal disease since their bone density is already low.

Kidney Disease

Infections from gum disease can also lead to kidney disease. This health problem affects the kidneys, bones, heart, and blood pressure.

Leaving it untreated can result in severe consequences, such as kidney failure, which can be fatal.

How to Prevent These Issues

Fortunately, making a few lifestyle changes can drastically reduce your risk of developing gum disease and the other health issues associated with it.

Here’s what you can start doing for better oral and overall health:

Regular Dental Visits

Dental professionals strongly encourage patients to get checkups and professional cleanings twice a year.

If you already have periodontal disease or are at a greater risk of developing it, you should be going more frequently. These dental visits can help prevent oral issues or stop them before they progress. As such, you must check out this dentist in dallas, or any dentist within your area, to prevent any complications that can be solved a simple, routine dental appointment.

Limit Sugar

It’s no secret that sugar is bad for your teeth, as it can attract harmful, enamel-destroying bacteria.

If you consume too much sugary food or drinks, you’re constantly allowing these acids to form on your teeth that attack and destroy them.

Limiting sugar can allow your mouth to repair the damage naturally so you can maintain good oral hygiene.

Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

Having a well-balanced diet is just as important for your oral health as it is for your overall health.

You should be eating a variety of foods from all the major food groups and drinking plenty of water for adequate hydration.

This ensures that you receive all the proper nutrients you need to stay healthy and produce enough saliva to remove acids and wash food particles from your mouth.

Avoid Tobacco Use

We all know that smoking or any sort of tobacco use can harm your oral health. The best way to prevent these dental problems is to avoid tobacco or work towards quitting if you currently smoke.

Brush and Floss Daily

Everyone should be brushing their teeth twice a day and flossing once a day to maintain good oral health. Ideally, the best times to brush your teeth are when you first wake up and before bed.

Make sure to brush for two minutes using giant circular motions to get all surfaces of the teeth and gums. Don’t forget to floss afterward for a complete clean!

Get Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral known to strengthen your teeth and prevent common oral problems.

Many people can get fluoride through tap water or certain foods, and most toothpaste and mouthwash also have some included.

Some dental offices also offer fluoride treatments for patients who are prone to developing cavities or decay.

Who would’ve thought that poor oral health could lead to several chronic health conditions? The best way to make sure your mouth and body are healthy is to see a dentist regularly!