Cheek Fillers: When Is The Best Time To Get Them

Are you always self-conscious about your flat cheek or barely visible cheekbones? Perhaps, it’s time to consider getting cheek fillers to enhance the look of your face.

Cheek fillers, also known as dermal fillers, are becoming a beauty enhancement trend in the United Kingdom and other parts of the globe like Lip Fillers.

How Long Do Fillers Last (Best Fillers 2020!) by Advanced Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

What are cheek fillers?

Cheek fillers enhance the shape and add volume to the tissues in the cheek areas, giving an illusion of a more defined and contoured bone structure. The most popular types are hyaluronic acid and polylactic acid.

Most clinics use hyaluronic acid (HA) because it gives a softer, more effective result. In addition, it also breaks down gradually in the body and does not leave harmful residues. 

Why undergo a cheek filler treatment?

Cheek fillers can take years off your face, as they reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As people grow, collagen production is reduced and can lead to sunken cheeks. Other contributory factors include extreme dieting, smoking, and too much sun exposure.

Dermal fillers help in bringing back the healthy plumpness of your cheeks. The result may not be permanent, but a cheek filler procedure is an effective and quick way to restore a youthful appearance and increase your confidence. It is also a good option if you are afraid of surgical procedures.

How long do they last?

The result of an injectable cheek filler is only temporary, so you need to get repeated treatments if you want to maintain the effects.

When you change your mind about it, all you have to do to stop getting injections. Also, you can ask your doctor to add more fillers if you feel that your desired outcome is not yet achieved.

Is the cheek filler procedure safe?

This non-invasive, non-surgical procedure carries a very low risk, so you don’t have to worry about serious complications.

“Swelling and redness in the injected areas are normal, so don’t be alarmed if you see them puffed up or a bit distorted. Also, expect some of these common side effects like slight bleeding, bruising, and itching.” Says Dr. Michael Zenn, who specializes in facelifts in Raleigh.

However, in very rare cases when there is an infection or severe allergic reaction, the following may occur:

  • Filler leakage
  •  Loss of vision
  • Circulation blockage that causes tissue death
  • Injury to arteries or veins
  • Lumpy appearance due to the migration of fillers to other section of the face

You can prevent the risk of any of these side effects by dealing with a duly licensed, experienced, and professional cosmetic specialist or doctor. Don’t settle for less to ensure total safety. 

How is it administered?

The first step is to book an appointment with the service provider or accredited cosmetic clinic. There will be an initial assessment if you qualify for the treatment based on the results of the doctor’s evaluation.

If you are eligible, the doctor will discuss the date for your filler injection. Your doctor will advise you to avoid taking aspirin or any blood-thinning medications two weeks before the procedure. If you have a prescription blood thinner, tell the specialist about it for proper guidance.

During the procedure, the doctor will apply a numbing agent or topical anaesthesia to the treatment area. Using special tiny needles, the filling gel will be injected carefully.

The whole process will only take less than 30 minutes. You will be required to stay for 20-30 minutes by the doctor to rest and wait for the anaesthetic to wear off. 

After the procedure, you will observe slight results, but the full effects of the cheek filler will be seen within two weeks. There is no downtime period, and the recovery is quick. You can even return to your regular routine right after the treatment.

Your doctor will recommend the following in the next few days:

  •  Sleep with your face up and back flat on the bed. Try not to sleep on your cheeks.
  • Keep the face dry and clean to prevent the risk of infection. Avoid touching the face.
  • Avoid doing strenuous workouts 48 hours after the treatment to allow the cheek filler to settle on the areas completely. 

Are you a good candidate?

Anyone who has no chronic health disorder and does not smoke is a good candidate for a cheek filler procedure. According to the guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the following should avoid this injectable treatment:

  • Pregnant women
  • Breastfeeding mothers
  • People with a bleeding disorder
  •  Those allergic to the synthetic compounds of dermal fillers

After ruling out the factors mentioned above, the specialist will consider the following:

  • good health
  • open-mindedness about possible side effects

How much is a cheek filler treatment?

The pricing depends on the degree of volume loss and the number of dermal fillers to be injected. In the UK, cheek filler is typically priced per syringe. A 1 ml treatment can cost £285.  

Get the value of your money and avoid risks by finding the best provider in your area who can make your flat cheeks plumper and more natural-looking. You deserve impeccable results.