Lasik, without any doubt, is a groundbreaking milestone in the medical field, but what’s the best age for Lasik? Is there a Lasik eye surgery age limit? Are you fit to go for a Lasik surgery sight treatment? Read the blog post for answers.
We are all familiar with the word Lasik surgery. It’s a permanent treatment that includes correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. According to Market Scope, around 700,000 Lasik surgeries are done every year in America. That’s huge!
But can you go for Lasik? What’s the right age and prerequisites for getting Lasik surgery? Read on to find out.
Best Age for Lasik Eye Surgery
How old do you have to be to get Lasik eye surgery? Well, you need to be at least 18 to get it, but it is not the best age for Lasik. Sometimes, it is better to wait some more before you reach the perfect Lasik age.
The reason there exists a minimum Lasik eye surgery age limit is that your vision must be stable so that the refractive error doesn’t continue to worsen after the treatment. Therefore, it’s best to wait till you’re 21 if you’re considering going for Lasik.
Moreover, most people above the age of 40 are likely to develop nearsightedness. People above the age of 60 may have pre-existing cataract which must be assessed. So, it’s best to discuss your situation with your ophthalmologist and find out the appropriate Lasik eye surgery age for you.
Who is not suitable for Lasik eye surgery?
Though Lasik eye surgery is a safe procedure, thanks to the commendable technology advancements, some people may experience discomfort or after effects.
People Below the Age of 18
Lasik surgery is not performed below the age of 18 because the vision may still change post surgery.
People with Existing Eye Diseases
People with eye diseases such as glaucoma, keratoconus, optic nerve disease, cataract, or any retinal disease are certainly not good candidates for Lasik surgery.
People with Dry Eye Syndrome
People with extremely sensitive eyes may experience dry eyes post the surgery. Therefore, if the patient already has dry eye syndrome, it can worsen the possible effects. However, with proper and professional post Lasik care, you can see positive results.
People with Underlying Health Issues
People with autoimmune diseases, collagen vascular disease, or uncontrolled diabetes are not suitable for Lasik surgery. This is because the medication prescribed after the surgery can have a negative effect on the immunity, aggravating the health issues.
People with Irregularly-shaped Cornea
Some people may have unusually thin cornea, while some may have such a strong eyeglass prescription that they may need to go for the removal of corneal thickness. If the cornea is irregular and out of the scope of correction, your ophthalmologist may identify you as an unfit candidate for Lasik surgery.
Benefits of Lasik Eye Surgery
Here are all the reasons why going for Lasik is a great idea:
- Dramatic reduction in dependence on (or no need of)lens or glasses with Lasik surgery
- Vision correction nearly immediately or within 24 hours of the surgery
- No bandages and stitches required
- Very little to no pain
- Further adjustments can be made to correct any vision changes after Lasik surgery
Frequently Asked Questions
✅Can I get Lasik at 19?
Yes. Though the minimum Lasik eye surgery age limit 18, it is recommended to opt for it once your ophthalmologist confirms that your vision is stabilized.
✅Are 55 too old for Lasik eye surgery?
If your eye health does not pose any risk and you do not have any autoimmune diseases, collagen vascular disease, or uncontrolled diabetes, you can go for a Lasik eye surgery at 55. Your ophthalmologist will conduct some eye examinations at various intervals to be sure that you are fit for Lasik.
✅Do you need reading glasses after Lasik?
If your vision is completely corrected for distance, you may develop presbyopia with age and require reading glasses.
✅Can Lasik make you go blind?
To date, there have been no cases of blindness post Lasik.
✅Can Lasik go wrong?
Lasik surgery has the risk of slightly distorted vision and may require a secondary surgery to correct the vision. But overall, the surgery is considered safe, thanks to technological advancements.
✅Is Lasik painful?
✅What are the disadvantages of Lasik eye surgery?
People who are unsuitable may develop presbyopia and may require reading glasses. Some risks include dry eyes and nighttime glare. However, the risks have reduced dramatically because of the advancements in technology.
✅Is Lasik better than glasses?
Lasik is an excellent long term solution if glasses make you uncomfortable.
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I am Kate, a dedicated health advocate. My purpose is to educate you regarding the most current wellness trends, offer science-backed insights to enhance your understanding, and present actionable tips to support you on your journey towards a healthier and happier life. Let us commence this wellness path together!