10 Controversial Foods That May Be Unhealthy

If you have boarded on a healthy diet to make health your priority, then kudos to you. The first step is to begin on healthy eating meal plans that are right for you.

You may load up on fresh produce in that endeavor and look for healthy substitutes to junk food.

But you may be astonished to know that there are several kinds of foods that may actually be harmful to your body.

Even though some market themselves to be good for health, reading between the lines and the ingredient list will show you that they are definitely not as good as they may appear.

Some others may have overblown dangerous claims.

That’s why it is critically important to sift fact from fiction. Let’s look at the top 10 so-called healthy foods that may be harmful to your health.

Top 10 Unhealthy Foods You Probably Eat Every Day by WatchMojo.com

Sugary yogurt

Yogurt on its own is exceptionally healthy for digestive and gut health, as it contains probiotics. These good bacterial microorganisms fight harmful bacteria in your intestines and promote good gut and digestive health.

But when buying yogurt, you need to take extra precautions. Look for yogurt with live active cultures. Avoid brands containing added sugar as that could be more harmful to your health than not having it.

Some yogurts have incredibly high quantities of sugar in a little cup. When choosing flavored varieties, you may want to choose sugar-free, low-fat, or fat-free Greek yogurt.

Farmed salmon

Salmon is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids and can be an excellent food in preventing heart disease protection. But unfortunately, farmed salmon that is majorly cultivated in open nets tend to be vulnerable to diseases and parasites.

All kinds of farmed fish, including salmon, are treated with high levels of pesticides and antibiotics to prevent infection. This, in turn, can create antibiotic resistance in humans.

So while fish can be healthy food, it is also a cause for concern as some fish have high mercury levels that can damage your nervous system.

When choosing fish in your diet, be mindful of your choices and look for responsibly farmed and fished options. Choosing seafood can also reduce the risk of consuming contaminants and harmful minerals.

Egg substitutes

Regarded as one of the finest sources of protein with several other beneficial nutrients, eggs are a powerhouse of nutrition. But several people today choose egg substitutes instead of whole, unprocessed eggs.

These packaged egg replacements are generally marketed as helping to lower cholesterol. However, there is no substitute for whole eggs that fit perfectly into your diet.

If you’re worried about cholesterol, speak with your doctor or registered dietitian to know how you can consume eggs without the effects of cholesterol.

Nutrition bars

Processed protein bars and cereal bars that contain preservatives are regarded as an alternative for breakfast or a post-workout snack. But popular bars are sometimes loaded with sugar and other additives harmful to your health.

Some kinds of cereal snacks contain butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) or butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), chemical preservatives known to increase cancer risk and affect the immune system.

When picking up protein or nutrition bars off the shelf, look into the ingredient list and sugar content. Choose bars that have ingredients you recognize and without any preservatives or additives.

White rice

Rice contains arsenic which is a toxin that is known to raise the risk of cancer. Since white rice is one of the most commonly consumed foods, you must be cautious while including it in your diet.

Avoid consuming white rice or rice products every day and maintain balance and variety in your diet.

While rice contains valuable nutrients, you may want to swap rice every alternate day with other complex and whole-grain carbohydrates such as barley and quinoa.

Diet sodas

Most people are fond of diet sodas because they contain no calories. The thought of drinking something sweet without adding to weight gain is good news for millions of people who have switched to diet soda over regular soda.

However, there’s bad news. According to a study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, regular soda consumption exposes people to a highly carcinogenic ingredient commonly used to manufacture caramel colorings.

Alarmingly, many individuals over the age of six consume at least one can of soda per day that exposes them to this harmful chemical.

Besides, several studies show that diet sodas may not exactly have the weight-loss benefits that most people assume. Diet sodas do not contain any nutritional value.

So while they may be zero-calorie, they could actually cause more harm and lead to gastrointestinal problems and bloating.


Several other food items are harmful to you.

These include white processed foods, sweetened fruit juices, deep-fried foods, junk foods, candy, processed cheese, fast food meals, high-calorie drinks, and all kinds of foods with added sugar and refined grains.

If you’re looking to maintain a healthy diet, it is vital to stick to whole foods. Try practicing mindfulness on what you eat.

It can be a good idea to listen to your body’s cues by savoring robust flavors and food textures to allow you to have a healthy relationship with food.