How To Prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) As A Motorcycle Rider

Riding a motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience, but it doesn’t come without its risks. One of the most concerning risks associated with motorcycle riding is the risk of head injuries.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur when the head is exposed to high force, causing the brain to jolt against the skull. They can range from mild to severe, resulting in long-term complications or disabilities.

TBIs can occur in road traffic accidents if a motorcycle rider is thrown off their bike or collides with another vehicle at high speed.

Luckily, there are several steps that you can take as a motorbike rider to protect yourself from major head and brain injuries.

Stop Riding after Motorcycle Accident?

How to Avoid Traumatic Brain Injuries When Riding Your Motorbike

How to Avoid Traumatic Brain Injuries When Riding Your Motorbike

Below, we have covered some top tips on preventing TBIs when riding your bike on the roads.

Wear a Helmet Every Time You Ride

Wearing a high-quality helmet when you’re riding a bike is a legal requirement for a reason.

Helmets are one of the most effective ways to prevent traumatic brain injuries and could save your life if you’re in a severe road traffic accident.

Make sure your helmet is high-quality and approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to minimize the impact forces on your head in the event of a collision with another vehicle.

Your helmet should fit properly onto your head, leaving very little wiggle room, and it should cover your entire head, including the forehead and back of the skull.

Replace your helmet before you ride your motorbike again if you have been involved in a crash while wearing it and it has become damaged or unusable.

You should also get in touch with the best Motorcycle accident law firm in Tucson if the accident wasn’t your fault.

An expert lawyer can help you build a strong claim that proves another driver’s liability and gains you a fair compensation settlement for your physical injuries, financial losses, and psychological trauma.

Invest in Quality Riding Gear

In addition to wearing a helmet, you should also kit yourself out in full riding gear to avoid sustaining a serious injury.

This should include a leather (or fake leather) jacket and trousers, thick gloves, and riding boots that fully cover your feet and enable you to get a strong grip on your bike pedals.

Safety gear is essential for protecting you from the elements in extreme weather conditions and reducing the severity of injuries if you end up in a road traffic accident.

Ideally, the riding gear you purchase should be made of abrasion-resistant materials to safeguard from road rash, cuts, scrapes, and lacerations if you’re thrown off your bike.

Stay Sober and Alert When Riding Your Bike

Stay Sober and Alert When Riding Your Bike

As per the law, you must never ride your motorcycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

These substances can significantly impair your judgment, coordination, and reaction times, increasing the likelihood of having an accident and needing rehabilitation for your brain injuries.

Similarly, you should avoid riding when you’re fatigued or drowsy, as this could compromise your ability to concentrate and react to potential hazards on the roads.

So, if you’re going on an alcohol-filled night out with your friends or you’re surviving on just a few hours of sleep, it’s best to find alternative modes of transport.

Choose Safe and Familiar Routes

While it’s tempting to choose the quickest route to a destination, it’s often safer to choose a route that is familiar to you.

Wherever possible, ride along roads that you have previously traveled on so you are aware of their potential hazards.

Always check on a reliable travel app before you set off on your motorbike to identify whether your usual route is accessible and free of road works or congestion, as these hazards can increase the risk of a road traffic accident and resulting traumatic brain injury.