6 Must-Follow Habits To Maintain Gum Health

One in five kids aged 5 to 11 has at least one tooth that is decaying, which is a direct outcome of gingivitis. 

Gum disease symptoms are seen in 60% of American kids. Therefore, it is essential to understand how to achieve healthy gums and keep them that way for better health.

Bacteria present in tartar and plaque are what causes gum disease. Mostly composed of bacteria, mucus, food debris, and other substances, plaque is a sticky coating that develops on the teeth. 

A dental hygienist or a dentist is the only person who can remove tartar. For better health, it is essential to understand how to acquire healthy gums. Adult tooth loss is most frequently caused by gum disease.

The condition of your gums may significantly affect how you feel, think, and seem. Your dentist can check for oral cancer symptoms during a routine dental examination. However, pain is typically not a disease’s first sign. 

Before the illness spreads, treatment is most effective. You should visit your dentist every six months for routine oral cancer screenings even if you have lost all of your natural teeth.

Top 10 Dental Health & Oral Hygiene Tips for a Healthy Mouth

Habits To Adapt For Better Gum Health

Habits To Adapt For Better Gum Health

To keep healthy gums, it’s important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, use dental floss or an interdental cleaner every day, and rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash. 

It is advised to get routine dental checkups and expert cleanings to remove plaque buildup, which can result in irritation and infection. 

Practice these good oral hygiene practices for a few weeks, and you’ll soon see the difference between healthy and diseased gums!

Use Dental Floss

Use Dental Floss

Regular flossing can aid in removing plaque that has amassed between your teeth and food particles from the area around your teeth. Plaque can accumulate over time and eventually harden into tartar, which gathers around your gum line. 

The hard enamel surface of your teeth, which is susceptible to tooth decay, may develop a small hole or opening. Gum disease can be lessened by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day.

Your dentist should do professional cleanings every six months to maintain the health of your gums. 

Your heart’s health may also benefit from good tooth hygiene. Flossing is a quick, affordable technique to improve your dental hygiene. 

The American Dental Association advises at least once daily flossing and two minutes of twice-day tooth brushing. There are alternatives to conventional floss that you might try if you find it difficult to use.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Our oral health is frequently neglected when it comes to dental hygienists and therapists. For both the services and guidance they may provide, they can be of great value. 

Dentists will check for indications of head and neck cancer in addition to oral cancer. Dentistry of the Queen City is specialized in all the advanced technologies. Therefore, you can get help anytime for regular and emergency purposes and maintain good oral health. 

They are most suited to assist you in maintaining good dental health. For example, they could be able to detect tooth decay and gum disease. 

Regular dental visits can help you establish a positive rapport with your dentist, enabling them to provide advice and assistance tailored to your requirements.

Follow Dental Hygiene

Brushing aids in removing food debris and prevents the buildup of germs, or plaque, in the mouth. Under your gum line, plaque can solidify into tartar, which can cause gum disease by irritating.

You should brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes each. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Plaque is removed more effectively by an electric or battery-powered toothbrush than by a manual toothbrush. 

After every meal, brush your teeth. This aids in removing plaque and food particles stuck between your teeth and gums.

Don’t forget to floss after cleaning your teeth to get between them and beneath the gum line. Use mild pressure when flossing to prevent damaging your gums. 

Slide the bristle of your toothbrush toward the point where your teeth and gums converge while holding it at a little angle.

Keep A Check On Your Foods And Drinks

Caramels and lollipops are examples of sticky candies that are loaded with refined sugar. Unfortunately, the harmful germs in your mouth love them when you consume them. 

Plaque may therefore develop on your teeth more quickly due to this. Likewise, regularly consuming sticky candy can swiftly cause tooth decay.

You should only consume a few sticky candies at a time and clean your teeth right away afterward. 

Fruit drinks and sodas are extremely high in sugar and can discolor your teeth. Additionally, the phosphoric and citric acids in them might erode dental enamel.

Your dental and general health may improve if you drink less alcohol. However, according to research, drinking more alcohol increases your chance of developing gum disease. 

Additionally, it’s crucial to refrain from drinking sugary beverages like soda, energy drinks, juices, and sports drinks to maintain the finest dental hygiene and stop tooth decay.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is the leading contributor to avoidable illness and death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 fatalities annually. 

About 30 cancer-causing compounds are included in smokeless tobacco products like chewing tobacco. 

Numerous malignancies, including those of the mouth, throat, cheek, gum, lip, and tongue, can be brought on by smoking.

People who don’t smoke might get health issues from secondhand smoke. Particularly in danger are infants and children. 

Nicotine, which has negative impacts on health, is found in e-cigarettes. Additionally, vapers are far more likely to experience gum recession, dental sensitivity, gum disease, tooth loss, and tooth damage. 

Quitting is beneficial for both your health and your mouth. It reduces your chance of developing cancer, including oral cancer, a heart attack, or a stroke. 

The advantages of quitting are immediate and substantial. Get the assistance you need to stop smoking permanently.

What Risks Does Gum Disease Pose?

Even while the numbers on gum disease are concerning, did you know that gingivitis has been connected to several conditions and illnesses, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, infertility, and more?

According to research, people with gum disease had a nearly 10-fold higher risk of dying from COVID-19 than people with healthy gums. 

This startling number emphasizes the risks of gum disease. People should take note of this and start treating their gum health seriously rather than taking it for granted.

When it comes to gum disease, the body’s capacity to combat respiratory diseases like COVID-19 is like adding fuel to the fire. 

The bacteria and other microorganisms linked to gum disease significantly boost the immune system. Therefore, understanding how to maintain healthy gums is more important than ever!