Are There Any Downsides To Porcelain Veneers? 

Porcelain veneers are also referred to as dental veneers or dental porcelain laminates.

These are custom-made shells that resemble a natural tooth and are designed to cover the toothā€™s front to improve its appearance.

It is a sought-after aesthetic remedy by patients who suffer from chipped and broken teeth, among other problems.  

However, dental veneers arenā€™t a perfect procedure like any other dental treatment. Its popularity has brought to light a never-ending debate about whether or not itā€™s worth having one.

Itā€™s expensive, to start with, so if you want to have porcelain veneers done, you have to be certain it isnā€™t a half-baked decision.  

And to answer the question of whether or not there are downsides to wearing porcelain veneers, this article discusses it.

While there are downsides, a good clinic offering porcelain veneers can help ensure that the slated benefits of using porcelain veneers will outpower the downsides.  

The Danger of Porcelain Veneers

The Cost Of Dental Veneers 

The Cost Of Dental VeneersĀ 

Indeed, no one ever said getting dental veneers is cheap. And everywhere you ask, having dental veneers done is an expensive cosmetic dental procedure.  

And to give you an idea, the total cost is usually computed per tooth, depending on its severity. Thus, there’s no specific amount to place here, as it can also vary depending on your location.    

However, if youā€™re prepared for the expense, this cost shouldnā€™t be a downside. Furthermore, the key to moving beyond this is to ensure youā€™re getting the best value for your money.

Compare the rates of at least three reputable local dentists that offer porcelain veneers in Columbia, MO, or in your area to ensure youā€™re getting the best possible price.    

The Lifespan Of Porcelain Veneers

The Lifespan Of Porcelain Veneers

Once you decide you want to have porcelain veneers installed over your teeth, you have to be aware that there is no turning back.

Porcelain veneers are meant to bond well with your teeth, with good ones lasting for 10 to 15 years or so.

It’s not practical to go back to the dentist sooner or later and decide to have them removed, considering the hefty price tag this procedure comes with.  

The Best Candidates For Dental Veneers 

Having porcelain veneers may not be for everyone. You may want it, and you may have the money for it. But, if you donā€™t need it, your dentist may most likely steer you away from deciding on having porcelain veneers done.Ā Ā 

Ideally, porcelain veneer candidates are those who are looking to address their concerns regarding the following:  

  • Yellow or discolored teeth; 
  • Cracked, chipped, or broken teeth; 
  • Minor alignment issues or crookedness; 
  • Gaps between teeth. 

The Danger Of Porcelain Veneers Potentially Causing Tooth Sensitivity 

If youā€™ve never had sensitive teeth before, you have to be aware that one of the dangers of porcelain veneers is potentially causing tooth sensitivity, making you feel uncomfortable.   

Drinking cold or hot food shouldnā€™t cause sensitive reactions to your teeth. If your dental veneers turn out to be a botched job from a questionable clinic, then this is something youā€™ll have to suffer from.

It is one of the reasons why itā€™s a non-negotiable requirement to ensure youā€™re only having your veneers done by no less than the best clinics in your area.  

The Reasons To Have Porcelain Veneers Done 

Dental veneers didnā€™t just make it to the limelight for no reason. They did so because of its many promising benefits like:  

  • It has a very realistic appearance, so thereā€™s no giving away the notion that what you have arenā€™t your natural set of teeth;  
  • Itā€™s easy to shape compared with other dental procedures like crowns. It means that there isnā€™t any extensive shaping of the teeth that have to be done before each veneer can be placed over it;  
  • Itā€™s stain-resistant because porcelain is ceramic, giving it a glass-like surface. You donā€™t have to avoid your favorite coffee or wine just because you now have veneers;  
  • Itā€™s durable, lasting over 10 to 15 years or more versus plastic veneers, which can last only seven years;  
  • It helps restore your lost confidence, especially when youā€™ve long been conscious about crooked or chipped teeth.  


Dental veneers are an attractive option for individuals who want to improve their smile and teeth appearance.

While itā€™s expensive, many have done it and are eager to subject their teeth to it for all its many promised benefits. Yes, there are downsides to having porcelain veneers done.

However, those can easily be avoided as long as you choose to have a reputable dental clinic. Don’t skimp on this choice.

Most importantly, once you have your porcelain veneers set, take good care of them. It is key to maintaining its longevity and preserving a happy, genuine smile.