Rosacea Skincare Do’s and Don’ts

Rosacea is not that uncommon of a skin problem. Although the condition causes a vast range of discomforts, more than 95% of patients diagnosed with it had no idea that they did.

This is while about 415 million people or 5.32% of the world’s population is affected by rosacea!

If you would still like some math, less than 0.5% of the world’s population is taking care of their rosacea skin condition. So here are the most important things you should and should not do if you have rosacea.

Hope this assortment of suggestions from expert dermatologists will help you manage the condition.

  1.  Do use products that give you the benefits of antioxidants, preferably in organic oil bases. Organic oils such as the famed jojoba oil that contain natural SPF is the safest bet for you from UV damage.  
  2. Don’t use artificially scented products as they are loaded with chemicals, including perfumes and personal hygiene products. Do not apply any kind of unprescribed chemicals or products with synthetic ingredients on or nearby the skin that is affected by rosacea. 
  3. Do stay protected from the sun at all times. Rosacea is especially sensitive to the sun’s rays and heat. Use all-natural sunscreens when you step out, so that you can step back in without aggravating your condition. 
  4. Don’t have anything that will worsen rosacea – alcoholic or hot beverages and spicy foods are your archenemies. Also keep a napkin close by while eating if you have rosacea on your face, hands, or neck. You do not want any food or beverages near your rosacea skin. 
  5. Do go for natural or mineral-based makeup products. Although makeup can help you hide rosacea, you should stay away from ones that contain artificial fragrances, harsh chemicals, colors, and bleaching agents. In addition, apply your prescribed medical serum first, even before moisturizer or foundation and stick to non-comedogenic pressed powders.
  6. Don’t expose yourself to too hot or cold conditions. Both heat and cold vex rosacea. So, cold weather, hot weather, humid conditions, cold showers, hot showers, playing in the snow, saunas, hot tubs, and sunbathing are all out of the question. 
  7. Do stay in the know. If you have got a condition that seems like rosacea, get diagnosed. And if you indeed have rosacea, find out with the help of your doctor which foods and beverages are good for you and how to eat them right so that you don’t aggravate those red patches. You may want to experiment, but minimally. 
  8. Don’t skip baths. To cope with the symptoms and discomforts caused by rosacea, try to stay hygienic and dry all the time. Keep your bathwater around room temperature, use unscented products, and pat your body well dry after each bath. If possible, keep a separate bath towel for your face, especially if the face is the affected area. 
  9. Do keep your cool. If you have rosacea, the last thing you want to do is give in to stress. Stress can increase the production of a hormone called cortisol that can aggravate rosacea symptoms. So, try to maintain your composure and train yourself through yoga and meditation techniques. Gentle exercises are also found to keep cortisol levels under check. 
  10. Do not scrub your skin harshly at any cost. Harsh scrubbing can damage your skin to dangerous levels. If you think you need to cleanse your skin, talk to your dermatologist. All the more, try your best to stay away from (or at least be protected in) conditions that may need you to clean your skin intensely – like sports, clay sculpting, gardening, driving in polluted areas, etc. 
  11. Do eat holistically if you have rosacea and do not want to anger it. A colourful diet is found to be especially beneficial in your condition since such diets that contain a wide variety of foods rich in antioxidants can keep your blood and skin healthy, prevent inflammation, and keep blood sugar levels more static. 
  12. Do not just walk into your nearest spa or beauty salon and get a treatment done. Your skin is a 1 in a 100 case, which the people there might not be able to properly deal with. Abrasive, bleaching, and hair removing treatments are all too common these days, but just not for you unless supervised by your dermatologist. 
  13. Do take probiotics – as medications or included in your diets. The good or probiotic bacteria can help in keeping rosacea down. Sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, nata de coco, kimchee, kiviak, tapai, etc. are good options of fermented food items that will improve your gut flora. 
  14. Don’t ever skip moisturizers. Moisturizers are essential to any skin. But yours is not just any skin, it is rosacea-skin and yearn moisturizing to stay in the pink. It goes without saying that your moisturizers need to be hypoallergenic, oil-free, and unscented. The right moisturizer can work wonders for you. 
  15. Do get a dermatologic solution for your rosacea. Today you can get a cosmetic laser solution for your condition simply by looking up which clinic offers the best rosacea treatment near you. State-of-the-art cosmetic clinics can help regain your confidence within a matter of days.

Your Red Patches have Silver Linings too!

In spite of the many disadvantages, inconveniences, and discomforts rosacea can cause, there is a bright side to it, if you are willing to see and live it.

You see, rosacea has you eat certain things and not others, take care of your skin, keep away from harsh conditions, use more natural and chemical-free products, practice good hygiene, and do or not do many other things.

But what many fail to see is that these do’s and don’ts are rather compliant with a holistic lifestyle!

You eat healthy, stay away from alcohol, protect yourself from bad weather and extreme temperatures, are always hygienic, think twice before cosmetic procedures, and basically live prudently.

Plus, you can treat rosacea if you want to!

So is your rosacea as bad as you thought?